Acrostic of Scripture - T to Z by Timothy Brindle Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Acrostic of Scripture - T to Z” by Timothy Brindle from the album The Acrostic of Scripture: A Rhyming Biblical Theology for Kids (2023)? More than 37 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Acrostic of Scripture - T to Z”.

Acrostic of Scripture - T to Z en Lyrics [Timothy Brindle]
Acrostic of Scripture - T to Z English Lyrics Album The Acrostic of Scripture: A Rhyming Biblical Theology for Kids

Quote from the song “Acrostic of Scripture - T to Z” by Timothy Brindle

Temple—God's house where He dwells with His people
'Cause He’s holy, He must expel all that’s evil
Eden was His temple, Adam’s sin had Him wrathful
God dwelt with Israel in the tabernacle
Jerusalem—Solomon built the temple building
God's glory appeared—like the tent was filling
Christ called Himself the temple, He's God's presence
Thе Church is His temple, 'til with Him in the hеavens
Uzzah—he touched the Ark of the Covenant
So the Lord struck him down as a just punishment
Only Levites could carry it; with poles on its side
What became of Uzzah? Since God is holy, he died
Veil—in the Old Testament, the temple curtain
To separate a holy God from every sinful person
Keeping sinners out of the Most Holy Place
It was torn when Christ died—for us to behold His face

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Acrostic of Scripture - T to Z lyrics [Timothy Brindle]

Timothy Brindle: Acrostic of Scripture - T to Z Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Acrostic of Scripture - T to Z”

  • Produced: Nobody Special
  • Written: Timothy Brindle
  • Mixed and mastered at: Wrath and Grace Studios
  • Mixed And Mastered: Aaron Warner, Noisette St. Jean
  • Release Date:

Acrostic of Scripture - T to Z lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Acrostic of Scripture - T to Z lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Acrostic of Scripture - T to Z”:

  • Produced: Nobody Special
  • rn
  • Written: Timothy Brindle
  • rn
  • Mixed and mastered at: Wrath and Grace Studios
  • rn
  • Mixed And Mastered: Aaron Warner, Noisette St. Jean

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Acrostic of Scripture - T to Z” Released in 2023

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Acrostic of Scripture - T to Z” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Verse 1]

Temple—God's house where He dwells with His people
'Cause He’s holy, He must expel all that’s evil
Eden was His temple, Adam’s sin had Him wrathful
God dwelt with Israel in the tabernacle
Jerusalem—Solomon built the temple building
God's glory appeared—like the tent was filling
Christ called Himself the temple, He's God's presence
Thе Church is His temple, 'til with Him in the hеavens
Uzzah—he touched the Ark of the Covenant
So the Lord struck him down as a just punishment
Only Levites could carry it; with poles on its side
What became of Uzzah? Since God is holy, he died
Veil—in the Old Testament, the temple curtain
To separate a holy God from every sinful person
Keeping sinners out of the Most Holy Place
It was torn when Christ died—for us to behold His face


Let's rhyme the Acrostic of Scripture together
Let’s study His Word so we'll live for Him better
Lord, help us love Your Word, treasuring Your glory
Help us see Christ as the center of the story
Let's rhyme the Acrostic of Scripture together
Let’s study His Word so we'll live for Him better
Lord, help us love Your Word, treasuring Your glory
Help us see Christ as the center of the story

[Verse 2]

Well of water—where God provides wives in the Torah
Rebekah for Isaac, Rachel for Jacob, for Moses, Zipporah
Where Jesus met the woman, a Samaritan
He gives the living water, so we’ll never thirst again
EXodus—the Lord rescued Israel from Egypt
“I have heard your cries; and your suffering, I’ve seen it”
The Lord brought His people through the Red Sea on dry ground
Like the flood, He judged Egyptians and they drowned
Yahweh—God’s Hebrew name, we have to remember
Written as “Lord” in all capital letters
It stands for “Yahweh”, He will be with His people
The “I AM” became man, redeemed us from evil
Zacchaeus—the sinful little tax collector
Heard of Him who could heal a ghastly leper
Jesus came to his house, forgave all his sin
And He'll do the same for you if you repent and call on Him!


Let's rhyme the Acrostic of Scripture together
Let’s study His Word so we'll live for Him better
Lord, help us love Your Word, treasuring Your glory
Help us see Christ as the center of the story
Let's rhyme the Acrostic of Scripture together
Let’s study His Word so we'll live for Him better
Lord, help us love Your Word, treasuring Your glory
Help us see Christ as the center of the story


We rhymed the Acrostic of Scripture together
Let’s study His Word so we'll live for Him better
Lord, help us love Your Word, treasuring Your glory
Help us see Christ as the center of the story
We rhymed the Acrostic of Scripture together
Let’s study His Word so we'll live for Him better
Lord, help us love Your Word, treasuring Your glory
Help us see Christ as the center of the story