Rock Music News: This American singer Is Back Where He Didnt Start (2025)

That's good news for Austin Mahone. Read more... The post This American singer Is Back Where He Didn’t Start first appeared on Coverstory.

That's good news for Austin Mahone. Read more... The post This American singer Is Back Where He Didn’t Start first appeared on Coverstory.

This American singer Is Back Where He Didnt Start

That’s good news for Austin Mahone.

By Michael Hartmann. June 9, 2023

HOME AT LAST: Austin Mahone is back in Texas.

What is it like to start your career as a young singer, and be told that you’re living in “Justin Bieber’s shadow”?

No one can answer this question better than Austin Mahone.

As a young singer in 2014, he gained popularity with his extremely catchy song, What About Love. It had similarities to Justin Biber’s equally catchy song Baby, which was released four years earlier. They both got insanely popular among a young audience.

What About Love (2014):

Mahone followed up with a long line of pop songs, gaining a huge following. His broad appeal can easily be understood by watching his videos, from Say Somethin’ to Dirty Work.

After an amazing start, he went away. Fans asked themselves, could he return?

Fast forward. Yes.

Today, the 27-year-old singer is gradually moving towards more introverted lyrics in his songs. This is Withdrawal, released earlier this year:

With his new project, Kuntry, released this week, he has made a country-inspired video with the help of family and friends.

This homecoming seems to bring Austin back to his roots. It’s amazing to see him as a grown man, surrounded by loved ones (and monster trucks).

Austin doesn’t need to go back. In this video, he is back where really belongs, in his hometown, San Antonio, Texas.

Welcome home, Austin!

Kuntry (2023):

Related story: “The next Justin Bieber” found his way to success”.


(Photo via Instagram/austinmahone).

Austin Mahone will release his album A Lone Star Story on June 23rd.

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The post This American singer Is Back Where He Didn’t Start first appeared on Coverstory.