Summer Night City by Therion Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Summer Night City” by Therion from the album Secret of the Runes (2001)? More than 136 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Summer Night City”.

Summer Night City en Lyrics [Therion]
Summer Night City English Lyrics Album Secret of the Runes

Quote from the song “Summer Night City” by Therion

Waiting for the sunrise
Soul dancing in the
Summer night city
Walking in the moonlight
Love-making in a
Summer night city

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Summer Night City lyrics [Therion]

Therion: Summer Night City Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Summer Night City”

Therion - “Summer Night City” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Therion will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Summer Night City?
  • Where is Summer Night City music video clip?
  • Who was in the Summer Night City official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Summer Night City?
  • What is the meaning of the song Summer Night City?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Summer Night City”

  • Produced: Therion, Christofer Johnsson
  • Written: Björn Ulvaeus, Benny Andersson, Christofer Johnsson
  • Rhythm Guitars: Christofer Johnsson, Kristian Niemann
  • Drums: Sami Karppinen
  • Lead guitar: Kristian Niemann
  • Bass: Johan Niemann
  • Keyboards: Christofer Johnsson
  • Percussion: Christofer Johnsson, Sami Karppinen
  • Vocals: Piotr “Docent” Wawrzeniuk, Marika Schönberg, Erika Andersson, Carl Rahmqvist
  • Violin: Anna Rodell
  • Cello: Åsa Åkerberg
  • Engineer: Sami Karppinen
  • Recording Engineer: Sami Karppinen
  • Mixing Engineer: Mikko Karmila
  • Mastering Engineers: Mikko Karmila, Mika Jussila
  • Assistant Engineers: Christofer Johnsson, Kristian Niemann
  • Label: Nuclear Blast
  • Recorded At: DA Studio (Stockholm, Sweden)
  • Release Date: October 8, 2001

Summer Night City lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Summer Night City lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Summer Night City”:

  • Summer Night City Is A Cover Of: Summer Night City [Single Version] by ABBA

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Summer Night City” Released in 2001

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Summer Night City” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


Waiting for the sunrise
Soul dancing in the
Summer night city
Walking in the moonlight
Love-making in a
Summer night city

[Verse 1]

In the sun I feel like sleeping
I can't take it for too long
My impatience slowly creeping
Up my spine and growing strong


I know what's waiting there for me
Tonight I'm loose and fancy-free


When the night comes with the action
I just know it's time to go
Can't resist the strange attraction
From that giant dynamo
Lots to take and lots to give
Time to breath and time to live


Waiting for the sunrise
Soul dancing in the
Summer night city
Walking in the moonlight
Love-making in a
Summer night city

[Verse 2]

It's elusive, call it glitter
Somehow something turns me on
Some folks only see the litter
We don't miss them when they're gone


I love the feeling in the air
My kind of people everywhere


When the night comes with the action
I just know it's time to go
Can't resist the strange attraction
From that giant dynamo
And tomorrow when it's dawning
And the first birds start to sing
In the pale light of the morning
Nothing's worth remembering
It's a dream, it's out of reach
Scattered driftwood on the beach


I know what's waiting there for me
Tonight I'm loose and fancy-free
I love the feeling in the air
My kind of people everywhere