Blood and Sand / Milk and Endless Waters by All Them Witches Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Blood and Sand / Milk and Endless Waters” by All Them Witches from the album Dying Surfer Meets His Maker (2015)? More than 155 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Blood and Sand / Milk and Endless Waters”.
Quote from the song “Blood and Sand / Milk and Endless Waters” by All Them Witches
Born perfect
Perched atop the Spire
Nestled in the Bosom of Creation
Wounded once, never again
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Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Blood and Sand / Milk and Endless Waters”
- Written: James Robert Staebler, Charles Michael Parks, Jr., Benjamin McLeod, Allan Barret
- Release Date:
Additional Information About the Sample “Blood and Sand / Milk and Endless Waters”:
- Written: James Robert Staebler, Charles Michael Parks, Jr., Benjamin McLeod, Allan Barret
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Blood and Sand / Milk and Endless Waters” Released in 2015
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Blood and Sand / Milk and Endless Waters” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Born perfect
Perched atop the Spire
Nestled in the Bosom of Creation
Wounded once, never again
I'm building a cult around Your Figure
The saints, wanton
The Idols present
The idle Presence
The Idols present
The rituals dance, just out of reach
Just as any good conduit should dance
Just out of reach
Ten thousand, weary and wanton
Exhale the dust folded into my bootheals
And on and on they, to forever
Little arms toward Heaven grasping
Eyes of milk and endless waters
Breathe, oh islands breathe
And know that I have found you
Breathe, you women of circumstance
And know that we are intertwined
She rises, even now to the summit
She bows to cradle it, consuming
We are balanced, on one finger
And we are softly
And we are softly sung to sleep