Lighten Your Load by The Okee Dokee Brothers Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Lighten Your Load” by The Okee Dokee Brothers from the album Through the Woods (2014)? More than 87 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Lighten Your Load”.

Lighten Your Load en Lyrics [The Okee Dokee Brothers]
Lighten Your Load English Lyrics Album Through the Woods

Quote from the song “Lighten Your Load” by The Okee Dokee Brothers

Ain’t it a little bit funny
What you think you need
To climb a hill
And succeed
You bring the kitchen sink
On down the road
When all you really need
Is a lighter load

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Lighten Your Load lyrics [The Okee Dokee Brothers]

The Okee Dokee Brothers: Lighten Your Load Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Lighten Your Load” Released in 2014

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Lighten Your Load” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Ain’t it a little bit funny
What you think you need
To climb a hill
And succeed
You bring the kitchen sink
On down the road
When all you really need
Is a lighter load

Ya gotta lighten your load, kid
When ya hit the road
I woulda thunk you’d knowed, kid
Ya gotta lighten your load

Ain’t it a little bit funny
What you think you need
To write a song
And succeed
That kitchen sink
Ain’t no fountain of youth
All you really need
Is the simple truth

Ya gotta lighten your load, kid
When ya hit the road
I woulda thunk you’d knowed, kid
Ya gotta lighten your load
Ain’t it a little bit funny
What we think we need
To live a life
And succeed
We take a little of this
We take a lot of that
When all we really need
Is to give it all back

Ya gotta lighten your load, kid
When ya hit the road
I woulda thunk you’d knowed, kid
Ya gotta lighten your load

We gotta lighten our load, kid
When we hit the road
You would’ve thunk we’d knowed, kid
We gotta lighten our load
We gotta lighten our load
We gotta lighten our load