Rhyacian: Untimely Meditations by The Ocean Collective Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Rhyacian: Untimely Meditations” by The Ocean Collective (2018)? More than 154 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Rhyacian: Untimely Meditations”.

Rhyacian: Untimely Meditations en Lyrics [The Ocean Collective]
Rhyacian: Untimely Meditations English Lyrics

Quote from the song “Rhyacian: Untimely Meditations” by The Ocean Collective

A city of the blind
Their vile inhabitants
Abashed by their own lives'


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Rhyacian: Untimely Meditations lyrics [The Ocean Collective]

The Ocean Collective: Rhyacian: Untimely Meditations Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Rhyacian: Untimely Meditations”

The Ocean Collective - “Rhyacian: Untimely Meditations” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of The Ocean Collective will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Rhyacian: Untimely Meditations?
  • Where is Rhyacian: Untimely Meditations music video clip?
  • Who was in the Rhyacian: Untimely Meditations official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Rhyacian: Untimely Meditations?
  • What is the meaning of the song Rhyacian: Untimely Meditations?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Rhyacian: Untimely Meditations”

  • Featuring: Loïc Rossetti
  • Release Date: April 21, 2018

Rhyacian: Untimely Meditations lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Rhyacian: Untimely Meditations lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Rhyacian: Untimely Meditations”:

  • Rhyacian: Untimely Meditations (2017 Version) Is A Cover Of: Rhyacian / Untimely Meditations by The Ocean Collective

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Rhyacian: Untimely Meditations” Released in 2018

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Rhyacian: Untimely Meditations” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

A city of the blind
Their vile inhabitants
Abashed by their own lives'

The silent void of cogitations
Absence of signification
Committed to burn twice as long and half as bright

We're dashing forward with our eyeballs turned inward
Until the end of time, the human eye
Staring wide open into the horror of the mind
Shall never ever sleep again
We're dashing forward with our eyeballs turned inward
Until the end of time, the human eyе
Staring wide open into the horror of thе mind
Shall never ever sleep again

We're dashing forward with our eyeballs turned inward
Until the end of time, the human eye
Staring wide open into the horror of the mind
Shall never ever sleep again
We're dashing forward with our eyeballs turned inward
Until the end of time, the human eye
Staring wide open into the horror of the mind
Shall never ever sleep again
We have awoken from our sleep
Nevermore shall we be unheeding as the flock of sheep

We have awoken from our sleep
Nevermore shall we be unheeding as the sheep
Grazing injoyously
Living breathily
Roaming insouciantly
Forgetting instantly

Every night
I'm swooping with the vast span of my wings
Into the death-throes of my memory
The eternal scourge of the human mind
I'm wandering in times which are not mine
Terrified of what I'm about to find
I'm trying to stop the past's rapid flight

I'm wandering in times which are not mine
Lost in between the shit and shine
The snake of fear creeps into our hearts at night
Subduing every mind at bedtime
What will it take to arrive
And cease trying to stop the past's rapid flight?
How much more do I have to go through
To prove myself that I'm still alive?
We are living in pain
The wind of the past will always shake you in the end
We're waiting for the day
When we will attain the ability to forget

I'm wandering in times which are not mine
The snake of fear creeps into our hearts at night
Subduing every mind at bedtime
What will it take to arrive
And cease trying to stop
The past's rapid flight?
How much more do I have to go through
To prove myself that I'm still alive?

For every day of our lives, the present is painful
The future unknown
The sting of the past is what makes every moment unbearable
The future is overgrown