He'll Be Holdin' His Own by The Martins Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “He'll Be Holdin' His Own” by The Martins from the album Dream Big (1998)? More than 169 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “He'll Be Holdin' His Own”.
Quote from the song “He'll Be Holdin' His Own” by The Martins
When my feet can't walk any further
When my back is bent from the load
When I just can't seem to go on any longer
He'll be holdin' his own
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Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “He'll Be Holdin' His Own”
- Produced: Michael Sykes
- Written: Harrie McCollough, Phillip Sweet, Joyce Martin Sanders
- Lead Vocals: Judy Martin Hess
- Release Date:
Additional Information About the Sample “He'll Be Holdin' His Own”:
- Produced: Michael Sykes rn
- Written: Harrie McCollough, Phillip Sweet, Joyce Martin Sanders rn
- Lead Vocals: Judy Martin Hess
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “He'll Be Holdin' His Own” Released in 1998
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “He'll Be Holdin' His Own” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
When my feet can't walk any further
When my back is bent from the load
When I just can't seem to go on any longer
He'll be holdin' his own
When the words have left my heart bleeding
And I'm bruised from the sticks and the stones
When I just can't find a rope to hold on to
He'll be holdin' His own
So, brother, hold on
Jesus knows
Where you're coming from
You are not alone
He understands, sister
He'll be holdin' his own
When I've lost my sense of direction
And the way is crooked and long
When there's no clear sign
On this road I been walkin'
He'll be holding' His own
So, brother, hold on
Jesus knows
Where you're coming from
You are not alone
He understands, sister
He'll be holdin' his own
Don't you know
His loving arms
Are reaching out to you?
He wants you to know
If you'll just trust in Him
He'll never let you go
When your feet can't walk any further
And your back is bent from the load
When you just can't seem to go on any longer
He'll be holdin' his own
So, brother, hold on
Jesus knows
Where you're coming from
You are not alone
He understands, sister
He'll be holdin' his own
You've got to understand
He'll be holdin' his own
He'll take you by the hand
He'll be holdin' his own
Oh, yes, He will
He'll be holdin' his own, yeah