Walking On My Dessert Island by The Ill-Fitting Garibaldis Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Walking On My Dessert Island” by The Ill-Fitting Garibaldis from the album An Angel Called Lucifer (2006)? More than 107 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Walking On My Dessert Island”.
Quote from the song “Walking On My Dessert Island” by The Ill-Fitting Garibaldis
Walking on my dessert island
In the snow and rain
Yummy delights around me
I relieve my pain
I use a sponge to hog me
I use a knife in my face
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Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Walking On My Dessert Island” Released in 2006
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Walking On My Dessert Island” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Walking on my dessert island
In the snow and rain
Yummy delights around me
I relieve my pain
I use a sponge to hog me
I use a knife in my face
On the dessert island, with my friends
And my chocolate biscuits, and my friends!
It was fun, and so nice
And I ate, a lot of rice
We're walking on the dessert island!
Dessert Island! (Dessert Island)