Red 19 by Miracle Of 86 Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Red 19” by Miracle Of 86 from the album The Miracle of 86 (2000)? More than 149 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Red 19”.

Red 19 en Lyrics [Miracle Of 86]
Red 19 English Lyrics Album The Miracle of 86

Quote from the song “Red 19” by Miracle Of 86

The red 19 comes at an odd time this year, in terms of where and why and how I feel about my life. Perfect red lipstick marks around my birthday make "I'm sorry" so much easier to say (take). Christmas cards and subtle hints try to fill in for what's missing. Try to fill it in with anything that looks substantial, and leaves us with the option not to think. If I get through tonight without passing out, I promise you I'll never dream again

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Red 19 lyrics [Miracle Of 86]

Miracle Of 86: Red 19 Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Red 19”

  • Produced: Dan Long, Vasilios Manoudakis, Miracle Of 86
  • Written: Miracle Of 86
  • Release Date: October 31, 2000

Red 19 lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Red 19 lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Red 19” Released in 2000

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Red 19” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

The red 19 comes at an odd time this year, in terms of where and why and how I feel about my life. Perfect red lipstick marks around my birthday make "I'm sorry" so much easier to say (take). Christmas cards and subtle hints try to fill in for what's missing. Try to fill it in with anything that looks substantial, and leaves us with the option not to think. If I get through tonight without passing out, I promise you I'll never dream again