Carnival Cops by The Goats Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Carnival Cops” by The Goats from the album Tricks of the Shade (1992)? More than 57 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Carnival Cops”.
Quote from the song “Carnival Cops” by The Goats
Dispatch: One Adam Twelve, One Adam Twelve. We got a couple of negro kids loitering in the freak show area near the Leonard Peltier cage. Over
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Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Carnival Cops”
- Produced: Joe “The Butcher” Nicolo, Oatie Kato
- Release Date: November 3, 1992
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Carnival Cops” Released in 1992
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Carnival Cops” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Dispatch: One Adam Twelve, One Adam Twelve. We got a couple of negro kids loitering in the freak show area near the Leonard Peltier cage. Over
Officer Koon: This is officer Gates and officer Koons. We're right near the freak show vicinity. We'll take that call, over. C'mon, Daryl, time to shine our boots. (Daryl yukking laughter). There they are! Pull over!
Officer Koon (on PA): Alright you kids, step away from the cage and put your hands on your head
Hangerhead: Cops suck, fuck cops!
Officer Koon: Whadya say boy, sumpthin' dis'spectful? Don't you boys have any 'spect for our uniforms?
Chicken Little: Yeah, it's not that we don't respect you, we just seem to feel a lot better when you're not around
Officer Koon: These sure are two funny lookin' colored kids aren't they Daryl? I bet we can use them here in the freak show
Officer Gates: You're certainly right Stacey! In fact, don't we have a place vacated at that old Tattooed Lady exhibit? Now that she's doin' time at the Pro-Livin Penal Prison
Officer Koon: Yeah, let's stick these kids there. Maybe they can get a tattoo, while they're there
Chicken Little: Hey, hey, stop pushing me, man!