Time by Susanna and the Magical Orchestra Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Time” by Susanna and the Magical Orchestra from the album List of Lights and Buoys (2004)? More than 125 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Time”.
Quote from the song “Time” by Susanna and the Magical Orchestra
When future is present
And past is gone
Now is shallow
Nothing is big
So that I can't see
Can you finish lyrics of the song “Time” based on this quote?
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Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Time” Released in 2004
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Time” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
When future is present
And past is gone
Now is shallow
Nothing is big
So that I can't see
When past is present
And future goes
Now is foggy
And past is pink
So that I look back
Now is future
And past is gone
Now is nothing
Future is great
So that I can see
Will I see even if the days are getting short?
Will I see even if the days are getting shorter?
Will I see?
When future is now
And past is past
Nothing is shadow or fog or nothing
So that I see everything
Will I see even if the days are getting short?
Will I see even if the days are getting shorter?
Will I see?