3omraha ma hategy* | عُمرها ما هاتيجي* by Abyusif - أبيوسف Lyrics
Looking for the Arabic lyrics to “3omraha ma hategy* | عُمرها ما هاتيجي*” by Abyusif - أبيوسف from the album **Will Delete Later (2023)? More than 428 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “3omraha ma hategy* | عُمرها ما هاتيجي*”.
Quote from the song “3omraha ma hategy* | عُمرها ما هاتيجي*” by Abyusif - أبيوسف
Lyrics From Snippet
Can you finish lyrics of the song “3omraha ma hategy* | عُمرها ما هاتيجي*” based on this quote?
If you can't then the lyrics will be below ...
Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “3omraha ma hategy* | عُمرها ما هاتيجي*”
- Produced: Dr Mo3gza
- Written: Abyusif - أبيوسف
- Release Date:
Additional Information About the Sample “3omraha ma hategy* | عُمرها ما هاتيجي*”:
- Produced: Dr Mo3gza rn
- Written: Abyusif - أبيوسف
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “3omraha ma hategy* | عُمرها ما هاتيجي*” Released in 2023
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “3omraha ma hategy* | عُمرها ما هاتيجي*” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Lyrics From Snippet
مش يمكن تيجي
عمرها ما هتيجي
عشان فيه ألغام، آه
بدوس عليها
قالت سلام ، سابت ايديها
مافيش كلام، انا في عينيها
وعشان بفوق
وسط الاوهام
عايز ابقا باعرف انام
نفسي اشوف ونفسي أتشاف