Kill The Pain by Sunshine Christo Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Kill The Pain” by Sunshine Christo from the album SHOCK DODGE (2023)? More than 64 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Kill The Pain”.

Kill The Pain en Lyrics [Sunshine Christo]
Kill The Pain English Lyrics Album SHOCK DODGE

Quote from the song “Kill The Pain” by Sunshine Christo

You say you hate me, well damn, same, bitch
You don't like me, well, okay, bitch
You say you hate me, well damn, same, bitch
You don't like me, well, okay, bitch
You say you hate me, well damn, same, bitch
You don't like me, well, okay, bitch
You say you hate me, well damn, same, bitch
You don't like me, okay, bitch

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Kill The Pain lyrics [Sunshine Christo]

Sunshine Christo: Kill The Pain Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Kill The Pain”

  • Produced: Shawn (Producer)
  • Written: Sunshine Christo
  • Release Date: May 31, 2023

Kill The Pain lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Kill The Pain lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Kill The Pain” Released in 2023

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Kill The Pain” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


You say you hate me, well damn, same, bitch
You don't like me, well, okay, bitch
You say you hate me, well damn, same, bitch
You don't like me, well, okay, bitch
You say you hate me, well damn, same, bitch
You don't like me, well, okay, bitch
You say you hate me, well damn, same, bitch
You don't like me, okay, bitch


Why you trying to stay hating on me?
You know how many hours I go, go with no sleep?
You know how much time I give to rap on these beats?
You know how much I sacrifice each day? (You don't)
I go no sleep, no food, but I'm okay
Drugs keep me sane, and drugs kills the pain
My body aches every single mothеrfucking day
But it's okay, 'cause the drugs keep my sane
Thе drugs kill the pain, the drugs kill the pain
The drugs kill the pain, I said the drugs kill the pain
I go no sleep, no food, I'm okay
The drugs keep me sane, the drugs kill the pain
You know how much I sacrifice every single day?
You know how much I sacrifice every single day?


You say you hate me, well damn, same, bitch
You don't like me, well, okay, bitch
You say you hate me, well damn, same, bitch
You don't like me, well, okay, bitch


Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch



You say you hate me, well damn, same, bitch
You don't like me, well, okay, bitch
You say you hate me, well damn, same, bitch
You don't like me, well, okay, bitch
You say you hate me, well damn, same, bitch
You don't like me, well, okay, bitch
You say you hate me, well damn, same, bitch
You don't like me, okay, bitch


Why you trying to stay hating on me?
You know how many hours I go, go with no sleep?
You know how much time I give to rap on these beats?
You know how much I sacrifice each day? (You don't)
I go no sleep, no food, but I'm okay
Drugs keep me sane, and drugs kills the pain
My body aches every single motherfucking day
But it's okay, 'cause the drugs keep my sane
The drugs kill the pain, the drugs kill the pain
The drugs kill the pain, I said the drugs kill the pain
I go no sleep, no food, I'm okay
The drugs keep me sane, the drugs kill the pain
You know how much I sacrifice every single day?
You know how much I sacrifice every single day?


You say you hate me, well damn, same, bitch
You don't like me, well, okay, bitch
You say you hate me, well damn, same, bitch
You don't like me, well, okay, bitch


Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch