Obsession by Street stereotype Lyrics
Looking for the Russian lyrics to “Obsession” by Street stereotype from the album В ПОИСКЕ СЕБЯ: Тоска (IN SEARCH OF YOURSELF: Sadness) (2022)? More than 168 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Obsession”.
Quote from the song “Obsession” by Street stereotype
Don't remind me, on the contrary I'm trying to leave
The obsession about you
Don't remind me, I'm trying not to repeat
Saying "I love you"
The last bus that leads to the morgue is my route
I can feel my flesh rotting, my blade is my attribute
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Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Obsession”
- Produced: Street stereotype
- Written: Street stereotype
- Release Date: November 26, 2022
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Obsession” Released in 2022
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Obsession” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Don't remind me, on the contrary I'm trying to leave
The obsession about you
Don't remind me, I'm trying not to repeat
Saying "I love you"
The last bus that leads to the morgue is my route
I can feel my flesh rotting, my blade is my attribute
Don't remind me, on the contrary I'm trying to leave
The obsession about you
Don't remind me, I'm trying not to repeat
Saying "I love you
I wish the voices in my head would go away
I can't help, but kill myself
Все давно решено
Все давно решено, ха
Все давно решено, я не смогу
Поменять се лицо, возьму другую маску
Спасибо друзья, вы забрали чуть боли
Но мои голоса говорят громче
Я один в пустом кабинете, думаю только
О двух вещах на свете: тебе и как вскрыть горло
Don't remind me, on the contrary I'm trying to leave
The obsession about you
Don't remind me, I'm trying not to repeat
Saying "I love you
I wish the voices in my head would go away
I can't help, but kill myself