Tvoje magije by Teodora Lyrics
Looking for the Bosnian lyrics to “Tvoje magije” by Teodora (2022)? More than 188 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Tvoje magije”.
Quote from the song “Tvoje magije” by Teodora
Kandžama svojim, ti u meni praviš lom
Noćima budna, borim se sa svojim zlom
Plašim se sebe, noći su bele
Nema te, bejbe, dođi, budi pored mene
Can you finish lyrics of the song “Tvoje magije” based on this quote?
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Official Music Video Song “Tvoje magije”
Teodora - “Tvoje magije” (Official Video Clip)
This video clip of Teodora will answer the following questions:
- What song samples Tvoje magije?
- Where is Tvoje magije music video clip?
- Who was in the Tvoje magije official music video?
- Who sang the popular song Tvoje magije?
- What is the meaning of the song Tvoje magije?
Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Tvoje magije”
- Produced: Joca Stefanović
- Written: Jovana Radosavljević, Joca Stefanović
- Video Gaffer: Veljko Jovanović
- Video Electricians: Darko Živanović, Miloš Vučenović
- Video Production Designer: Vesna Prijović, Petar Ilić, Luka Mihailović
- Video Vfx: Crnovision
- Video 1st Assistant Camera: Dejan Pantić
- Video 2nd Assistant Camera: Marko Vučenović
- Video Steadicam Operator: Petar Gavrilović
- Video Focus Puller: Uros Petrov
- Label: IDJTunes
- Video Color Grading: Igor Lazić
- Video Editing: Ljubba
- Video Cinematographer: Igor Lazić
- Video Director: Ljubba
- Video Producer: Marko Stepić, Tamara Tomašević, Sara Kamarit
- Mastering Engineer: Saša Dinić
- Mixing Engineer: Saša Dinić
- Arranger: Joca Stefanović
- Release Date: February 10, 2022
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Tvoje magije” Released in 2022
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Tvoje magije” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
[Tekst pesme "Tvoje magije"]
[Strofa 1]
Kandžama svojim, ti u meni praviš lom
Noćima budna, borim se sa svojim zlom
Plašim se sebe, noći su bele
Nema te, bejbe, dođi, budi pored mene
Zovite doktore da vide sa mnom šta li je
Kad ime ti čujem
Oni mi kažu kako još uvek nije izmišljen
Lek protiv tvoje magije
Samo da mi je tvoje magije
Samo da mi je tvoje magije
Da me upropasti, po telu razlije
Samo da mi je tvoje magije
Samo da mi je tvoje magije
Samo da mi je tvoje magije
Da me upropasti, po telu razlije
Samo da mi je tvoje magije
[Strofa 2]
Zidovi guše me, tripujem ruše se
Fali mi daha i zraka, ja dozivam te
Bol kao grom
Seva po srcu mom
Zovite doktore da vide sa mnom šta li je
Kad ime ti čujem
Oni mi kažu kako još uvek nije izmišljen (Nije izmišljen)
Lek protiv tvoje magije
Samo da mi je tvoje magije
Samo da mi je tvoje magije
Da me upropasti, po telu razlije
Samo da mi je tvoje magije
Samo da mi je tvoje magije
Samo da mi je tvoje magije
Da me upropasti, po telu razlije
Samo da mi je (Tvoje magije)
Samo da mi je tvoje magije (Magija)
Samo da mi je tvoje magije (Samo da mi je)
Da me upropasti, po telu razlije (Po telu, razlije)
Samo da mi je tvoje magije
FAQ & Knowledge Song “Tvoje magije”
ℚ. What have the artists said about the song?
Verified CommentaryLjubba
The vision and intention was to completely change what was the visual presence of Teodora.
She approached willing to let go and try out a new team defining her new look and new sound.
I wrote the music video on a rough demo track. As she played it for me, i instantly saw the video as it was being projected right in front of me. Teodora dyed her hair ginger specially for the video.Every single member of the cast was selected with intention of showing the variety of colour and gender and beauty in. I imagined them stuck in a timeless vintage house in dystopian era. Blending those two complete opposites was a message for itself.
Them being observed by the drones is a social commentary since their ignorance of the technology is highly notable. They seem sedated and numb, oblivious of the situation they’re in.
Teodora’s vision was to roughly touch the limits of sexuality as a support for all spectre of her audiences, her love for women in sociological and admiration in a sexual way.
The kissing scene was proposed by Teodora’s and I absolutely went for it.
She didn’t want to be bold and extrovert just for the fashion of it, she really did it to encourage all the women and men to feel free about expressing themselves.I chose the rain to illustrate the emotion having them merging into a passionate kiss.
I wanted free and authentic feeling. A pure emotion.
The scene creates a sense of liberation. It shows the diversity and universality of love.
No more cameras and no constant observation, no technology.
Now they are all like one in the rain, uniting in an embrace around our two protagonists.The video was shot on Arri Alexa on Zeis Super Speed with cinematography by Igor Lazic.
It was shot in a day and a half on a single location with an addition of a sound stage for the rain special effects. The post production took two week to complete.There is a deleted scene that was cut from the video.