I'm Through by Steve Kilbey Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “I'm Through” by Steve Kilbey from the album Freaky Conclusions (2003)? More than 60 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “I'm Through”.

I\'m Through en Lyrics [Steve Kilbey]
I\'m Through English Lyrics Album Freaky Conclusions

Quote from the song “I'm Through” by Steve Kilbey

She thought that she could get away
She thought that idiot could turn her stones to jewels
He was laughing like a forest
He was swaying like a school


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I'm Through lyrics [Steve Kilbey]

Steve Kilbey: I'm Through Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “I'm Through”

  • Produced: John Kilbey, Steve Kilbey
  • Written: Steve Kilbey
  • Release Date: February 2, 2003

I'm Through lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: I'm Through lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “I'm Through” Released in 2003

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “I'm Through” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

She thought that she could get away
She thought that idiot could turn her stones to jewels
He was laughing like a forest
He was swaying like a school

She thought she could get between
She thought the doctor might kill her love of names
He was grinning through the tropics
He was losing all the same

And you, you say it's true
But I don't believe I'm through

She thought she could get along
She thought that ancient men can fill her mind with doubt
They were standing out in courtyards
They wеre drinking through the drought

She thought shе could get about
She thought the card shark could deal a shaky hand
He was cheating with his failings
He was partners with the land

Any you, you say it's true
But I don't believe I'm through
She thought she could get above
She thought the pilot should take her back to birth
He was fainting in the engine room
He was falling back to earth

She thought she could get around
She thought the foreigner had left behind his trips
He was banished and a bit irate
He was like a heart that skips

Any you, you say it's true
But I don't believe I'm through