Controlled Burn by Sorroweaver Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Controlled Burn” by Sorroweaver from the album Mausoleum Mind (2020)? More than 15 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Controlled Burn”.

Controlled Burn en Lyrics [Sorroweaver]
Controlled Burn English Lyrics Album Mausoleum Mind

Quote from the song “Controlled Burn” by Sorroweaver

There’s a hole in my head filled with smoke
The ashes dust the walls of my veins only to show your fingerprints waltz in a space of sour listlessness
It stays sincere but desolate like angel hands skimming through the thick of it

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Controlled Burn lyrics [Sorroweaver]

Sorroweaver: Controlled Burn Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Controlled Burn”

  • Produced: Chris Whited (King Conquer)
  • Written: Chris George, Sean Stead, Mark Roberts
  • Release Date: February 19, 2020

Controlled Burn lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Controlled Burn lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Controlled Burn” Released in 2020

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Controlled Burn” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

There’s a hole in my head filled with smoke
The ashes dust the walls of my veins only to show your fingerprints waltz in a space of sour listlessness
It stays sincere but desolate like angel hands skimming through the thick of it

Fuck this positivity that’s teething at me and breaking apart my skin
I live for the feeling of constantly burning at both ends for you
Even when I’ve had enough I'd still drag my eyes through dirt
Cause seeing your face on everyone else brings my teeth to chew the curb

Bite down on thе curb so I can see god and question him for what I did to make me suffеr this long

I am the greater of both evils resting upon your shoulder patiently waiting for the pulse around your throat to expire
I am the embodiment of everything you despise waiting for you at the gates with a list of your lies

Pitch black eyes three pairs on either side
Scum hands grasping at my face for a taste of the next man in line
Pitch black eyes three pairs on either side
Horns growing from your head wings torn from your spine

Bite down on the curb
So maybe I can see god as he looks in the face of mistakes that are me and my dead thoughts
Prayers to drown out the sickness and suffer in solace take me away

The voice I hear before I die screams there’s no promise of tomorrow in the lands cloaked with black skies
As I descend down below I’ll grow to raise the condemned with my own claws