Temptation Islands by Smile.dk Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Temptation Islands” by Smile.dk from the album Party Around the World (2008)? More than 20 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Temptation Islands”.

Temptation Islands en Lyrics [Smile.dk]
Temptation Islands English Lyrics Album Party Around the World

Quote from the song “Temptation Islands” by Smile.dk

Two girls on the road to become stars
On the road to travelling far
On the road to catch the moon in their hands


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Temptation Islands lyrics [Smile.dk]

Smile.dk: Temptation Islands Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Temptation Islands”

  • Produced: D. Örnå
  • Written: Veronica Larsson, Hanna Stockzell
  • Release Date: October 28, 2008

Temptation Islands lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Temptation Islands lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Temptation Islands” Released in 2008

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Temptation Islands” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Two girls on the road to become stars
On the road to travelling far
On the road to catch the moon in their hands

Two girls on the road to burning hearts
On the road to shimmering cars
On the road to catch the moon in their hands

Wild and free, on the road which they never had seen
Wild and free, come with us and you will see

Temptation islands, in the mood of setting you free
Temptation islands, come with us and you can be free
Temptation islands, on the road, come along, you will see
Temptation islands, come with us and you can be free

Two eyes on the road to visualise
On the road to memorise
All the good things that they have in their lives

Two eyes on the way to burning hearts
On the way to get a new start
On the way to catch the moon in their hands

Wild and free, on the road which they never had seen
Wild and free, come with us and you will see
Temptation islands, in the mood of setting you free
Temptation islands, come with us and you can be free
Temptation islands, on the road, come along, you will see
Temptation islands, come with us and you can be free

Temptation islands, in the mood of setting free
Temptation islands, come with us and you can be free

Temptation islands, in the mood of setting you free
Temptation islands, come with us and you can be free
Temptation islands, on the road, come along, you will see
Temptation islands, come with us and you can be free

Temptation islands, in the mood of setting you free
Temptation islands, come with us and you can be free
Temptation islands, on the road, come along, you will see
Temptation islands, come with us and you can be free