A prophets return by SARCOMA Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “A prophets return” by SARCOMA from the album LIETOLOGY (2014)? More than 104 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “A prophets return”.
Quote from the song “A prophets return” by SARCOMA
Where is your mercyfull god?
Where is your prophet?
He will never return!
Peace rest nevermore!
Book of the dead! directs me
Book of the dead! resurrects me!
I see the River of acheron, with punísh
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Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “A prophets return”
- Written: Rodrigo Ochoa, Alfredo Morales, Fransisco Martínez
- Release Date: September 14, 2014
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “A prophets return” Released in 2014
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “A prophets return” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Where is your mercyfull god?
Where is your prophet?
He will never return!
Peace rest nevermore!
Book of the dead! directs me
Book of the dead! resurrects me!
I see the River of acheron, with punísh
Peace rest nevermore!
Flaming sculpthures! Hellfire guardians!
Temple of hathor, summerian imperium!
Impious speechless, strange entity
Bakti god-demon, emerge from the sea!
Nachash deciver, vicious reptiles!
Magic blood ritual, land of the kings!
Where is your mercyfull god?
Where is your prophet?
He will never return!
Peace rest nevermore!
Impious speechless, strange entity
Bakti god-demon, emerge from the sea!
Nachash deciver, vicious reptiles!
Magic blood ritual, land of the kings!