Fernando Sez by Ry Cooder Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Fernando Sez” by Ry Cooder from the album I, Flathead (2008)? More than 21 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Fernando Sez”.

Fernando Sez en Lyrics [Ry Cooder]
Fernando Sez English Lyrics Album I, Flathead

Quote from the song “Fernando Sez” by Ry Cooder

I'm recording again and you know why
Well I need money, babe, and that's no lie
Fernando says my car is trash and he wants cash


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Fernando Sez lyrics [Ry Cooder]

Ry Cooder: Fernando Sez Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Fernando Sez”

Ry Cooder - “Fernando Sez” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Ry Cooder will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Fernando Sez?
  • Where is Fernando Sez music video clip?
  • Who was in the Fernando Sez official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Fernando Sez?
  • What is the meaning of the song Fernando Sez?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Fernando Sez”

  • Produced: Ry Cooder
  • Written: Ry Cooder
  • Recorded At: Little Pink Studio, Los Angeles
  • Release Date: June 23, 2008

Fernando Sez lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Fernando Sez lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Fernando Sez” Released in 2008

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Fernando Sez” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Verse 1]

I'm recording again and you know why
Well I need money, babe, and that's no lie
Fernando says my car is trash and he wants cash

[Verse 2]

My car is old, babe, but it's still good
I wouldn't change it baby if I could
I really like that old Cadillac
Fernando says that he won't give it back


I never liked no Jap cars, ain't startin' up now
The whole world's gone crazy anyhow
Public transportation gets me down
Might end up in a bad part of town

[Verse 3]

Fernando says it's understood
No offense your credit ain't good
You white folks had it, it's all gone now
You never had no rhythm anyhow


Fernando says, "Take a clue"
Fernando says, "You're overdue"
Fernando says, "Take in mind"
Fernando says, "It's cash on the line"

[Outro: Spoken]

"Yeah man, you want everything. Want me to share your car, take the chamatos here and there, but there's no hondo here. Just too fast. I don't want chamato."

"But look here, friend, you got to give me a break now man. Well a man without his, his Cadillac, you know, he, he, well he just don't, he just don't feel like a, like a real man no more."

"I need to get paid. I need some money here in order for me to continue this. No more


in and out. You need to pay up now.

[? Recito?, recito?, dinero, ?]

. I got a family to keep up."

"Yeah I got a wife and two kids myself, man. You, you gotta cut me some slack here friend."

"You haven't paid me in a long time.



"Well I got ten dollars, I was gonna buy the kids some new shoes. I guess, well I guess they, well..."








"Well, the way you run it, the way you run your business here, I bet your kids got more shoes than Carter's got pills. What about the tires, the wheels you promised me? You were going to get me some wheels here. What happened to 'em? I need a valve job, I need one of those Handelbrot valve covers, it looks good man. Double the Hollywood exhaust, with the glass pack mufflers, that's what I'm looking at here. What's that gonna run me here?"

"Pay up the last bill, and then we'll talk about a new one. We need to get some zapatos for my kids. You're worrying about your kids, what about my children?"

"Well, I..."

"They need to eat too. That


eat a la escuela, they need


, we really need to sit down and discuss this."

"What a world. Smile today, cry tomorrow."