This must be it - this could be thin white duke remix by Röyksopp Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “This must be it - this could be thin white duke remix” by Röyksopp (2015)? More than 18 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “This must be it - this could be thin white duke remix”.

This must be it - this could be thin white duke remix en Lyrics [Röyksopp]
This must be it - this could be thin white duke remix English Lyrics

Quote from the song “This must be it - this could be thin white duke remix” by Röyksopp

Waiting for a beam
To break through here
A chain way vision
All bright and clear
And they talk
And they dance
Here comes darkness
Just afternoon
Waiting for a sign
If I survive I'll worship the moon
Or something
This must be it
Long for bliss
First it was so quiet
Now I know I'm not alone in here
(And they talked
And they danced)
Two omens collide in my open hand
Making me a viewer
I am what I have seen
And they talk
And they dance
Your hand on my hips
Speak friendly to me
I've been studying for years
Is this as far as you can take me?
This must be it
Long for bliss
First it was so quiet
Now I know I'm not alone in here
(And they talked
And they danced)

Can you finish lyrics of the song “This must be it - this could be thin white duke remix” based on this quote?

If you can't then the lyrics will be below ...

This must be it - this could be thin white duke remix lyrics [Röyksopp]

Röyksopp: This must be it - this could be thin white duke remix Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “This must be it - this could be thin white duke remix”

Röyksopp - “This must be it - this could be thin white duke remix” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Röyksopp will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples This must be it - this could be thin white duke remix?
  • Where is This must be it - this could be thin white duke remix music video clip?
  • Who was in the This must be it - this could be thin white duke remix official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song This must be it - this could be thin white duke remix?
  • What is the meaning of the song This must be it - this could be thin white duke remix?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “This must be it - this could be thin white duke remix”

  • This must be it - this could be thin white duke remix Is A Remix Of: This Must Be It by Röyksopp
  • Release Date:

This must be it - this could be thin white duke remix lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: This must be it - this could be thin white duke remix lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “This must be it - this could be thin white duke remix”:

  • This must be it - this could be thin white duke remix Is A Remix Of: This Must Be It by Röyksopp

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “This must be it - this could be thin white duke remix” Released in 2015

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “This must be it - this could be thin white duke remix” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Waiting for a beam
To break through here
A chain way vision
All bright and clear
And they talk
And they dance
Here comes darkness
Just afternoon
Waiting for a sign
If I survive I'll worship the moon
Or something
This must be it
Long for bliss
First it was so quiet
Now I know I'm not alone in here
(And they talked
And they danced)
Two omens collide in my open hand
Making me a viewer
I am what I have seen
And they talk
And they dance
Your hand on my hips
Speak friendly to me
I've been studying for years
Is this as far as you can take me?
This must be it
Long for bliss
First it was so quiet
Now I know I'm not alone in here
(And they talked
And they danced)