愛想笑いは自分を殺す(Fake Smiles Kill Oneself) by たかやん (Takayan) Lyrics

Looking for the Romanization lyrics to “愛想笑いは自分を殺す(Fake Smiles Kill Oneself)” by たかやん (Takayan) from the album たかやん (Takayan) - どんな君でも愛してる (I Love You in Any Way) (Romanized) (2021)? More than 39 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “愛想笑いは自分を殺す(Fake Smiles Kill Oneself)”.

愛想笑いは自分を殺す(Fake Smiles Kill Oneself) romanization Lyrics [たかやん (Takayan)]
愛想笑いは自分を殺す(Fake Smiles Kill Oneself) Romanization Lyrics Album たかやん (Takayan) - どんな君でも愛してる (I Love You in Any Way) (Romanized)

Quote from the song “愛想笑いは自分を殺す(Fake Smiles Kill Oneself)” by たかやん (Takayan)

Kyō mo muri o suru mata nigete iru
Egao no uragawa zutto naite iru
"Fuzaken na"nante ienai yo
Kokoro no kugi uso no umi ni shizumu


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愛想笑いは自分を殺す(Fake Smiles Kill Oneself) lyrics [たかやん (Takayan)]

たかやん (Takayan): 愛想笑いは自分を殺す(Fake Smiles Kill Oneself) Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “愛想笑いは自分を殺す(Fake Smiles Kill Oneself)”

愛想笑いは自分を殺す(Fake Smiles Kill Oneself) lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: 愛想笑いは自分を殺す(Fake Smiles Kill Oneself) lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “愛想笑いは自分を殺す(Fake Smiles Kill Oneself)” Released in 2021

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “愛想笑いは自分を殺す(Fake Smiles Kill Oneself)” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


Kyō mo muri o suru mata nigete iru
Egao no uragawa zutto naite iru
"Fuzaken na"nante ienai yo
Kokoro no kugi uso no umi ni shizumu

"Kudan'nai sekainara isso
Tsuman'naku ikite yarou"tte
Futekusarete Ira tsuite mo
"Yamete" no mugen rūpu
Tanin e no iken sae mo
Boroboro no mune ni shimau no
Shiawase o enjite iru no sa

Kyō mo muri o suru mata nigete iru
Egao no uragawa zutto naite iru
"Fuzaken na"nante ienai yo
Kokoro no kugi uso no umi ni shizumu

Yume ni ochiru mata nigete iru
Hontō no urami wa daremoshiranai kara
Jiko-chū ni nari kirenaikara
Jiga ga hoshī yo