나는바보같고멍청하지만진심으로네가좋아 (Puppy’s Love) by Lacuna (라쿠나) (KOR) Lyrics

Looking for the Romanization lyrics to “나는바보같고멍청하지만진심으로네가좋아 (Puppy’s Love)” by Lacuna (라쿠나) (KOR) from the album Lacuna - Incompleteness Dream (Romanized) (2018)? More than 128 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “나는바보같고멍청하지만진심으로네가좋아 (Puppy’s Love)”.

나는바보같고멍청하지만진심으로네가좋아 (Puppy’s Love) romanization Lyrics [Lacuna (라쿠나) (KOR)]
나는바보같고멍청하지만진심으로네가좋아 (Puppy’s Love) Romanization Lyrics Album Lacuna - Incompleteness Dream (Romanized)

Quote from the song “나는바보같고멍청하지만진심으로네가좋아 (Puppy’s Love)” by Lacuna (라쿠나) (KOR)

Geudaereul saenggakhaeyo
Nan yeogie nuwoseo
Dangsinui nuneul
Billigo isseoyo
Geudae boneun geol bwayo
Nan yeogie nuwoseo
Dangsinui saenggageul


Can you finish lyrics of the song “나는바보같고멍청하지만진심으로네가좋아 (Puppy’s Love)” based on this quote?

If you can't then the lyrics will be below ...

나는바보같고멍청하지만진심으로네가좋아 (Puppy’s Love) lyrics [Lacuna (라쿠나) (KOR)]

Lacuna (라쿠나) (KOR): 나는바보같고멍청하지만진심으로네가좋아 (Puppy’s Love) Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “나는바보같고멍청하지만진심으로네가좋아 (Puppy’s Love)”

Lacuna (라쿠나) (KOR) - “나는바보같고멍청하지만진심으로네가좋아 (Puppy’s Love)” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Lacuna (라쿠나) (KOR) will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples 나는바보같고멍청하지만진심으로네가좋아 (Puppy’s Love)?
  • Where is 나는바보같고멍청하지만진심으로네가좋아 (Puppy’s Love) music video clip?
  • Who was in the 나는바보같고멍청하지만진심으로네가좋아 (Puppy’s Love) official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song 나는바보같고멍청하지만진심으로네가좋아 (Puppy’s Love)?
  • What is the meaning of the song 나는바보같고멍청하지만진심으로네가좋아 (Puppy’s Love)?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “나는바보같고멍청하지만진심으로네가좋아 (Puppy’s Love)”

나는바보같고멍청하지만진심으로네가좋아 (Puppy’s Love) lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: 나는바보같고멍청하지만진심으로네가좋아 (Puppy’s Love) lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “나는바보같고멍청하지만진심으로네가좋아 (Puppy’s Love)” Released in 2018

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “나는바보같고멍청하지만진심으로네가좋아 (Puppy’s Love)” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Verse 1]

Geudaereul saenggakhaeyo
Nan yeogie nuwoseo
Dangsinui nuneul
Billigo isseoyo
Geudae boneun geol bwayo
Nan yeogie nuwoseo
Dangsinui saenggageul

[Verse 2]

Eojilleojin mulgeon (Eojilleojin mulgeon)
Deonjyeo noheun saenggak (Deonjyeo noheun saenggak)
Bupureooreun nae bang wiro (Bupureooreun)

[Verse 3]

Geudaega tteoreojyeoyo
Nan yеogie nuwoseo
Dangsineul onmomеuro badanaeyo


Today I forget again and I
Today I forget again and I


Nine, eight, seven, six, five—