Прощай (Goodbye) by MAYOT Lyrics
Looking for the Romanization lyrics to “Прощай (Goodbye)” by MAYOT (2022)? More than 145 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Прощай (Goodbye)”.
Quote from the song “Прощай (Goodbye)” by MAYOT
Can you finish lyrics of the song “Прощай (Goodbye)” based on this quote?
If you can't then the lyrics will be below ...
Official Music Video Song “Прощай (Goodbye)”
MAYOT - “Прощай (Goodbye)” (Official Video Clip)
This video clip of MAYOT will answer the following questions:
- What song samples Прощай (Goodbye)?
- Where is Прощай (Goodbye) music video clip?
- Who was in the Прощай (Goodbye) official music video?
- Who sang the popular song Прощай (Goodbye)?
- What is the meaning of the song Прощай (Goodbye)?
Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Прощай (Goodbye)”
- Original Song Title: Прощай (Goodbye), Romanization translation
- Release Date: April 15, 2022
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Прощай (Goodbye)” Released in 2022
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Прощай (Goodbye)” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
[Verse 1]
Ne khochu delat’ tebe bol’no (A-a-a)
Pust’ tak banal’no, no delo ne v tebe (A-a)
Slova vykhodyat neproizvol’no (Sami)
Ya vsyu lyubov’ ostavil na bite (Vsyu)
Prosti, za to, chto dal nadezhdu (Prosti)
Prosti, zabral u tebya chastichku (Zabral)
Prosti, bol’she ne priyedu (Net)
Prosti, mozhesh’ menya zabyt’ (Prosti menya, u, u)
[Verse 2]
Proshchay, tot vzglyad, kotoryy menya obzhigayet (Proshchay, a)
Salyut moy bro, kotoryy mne shcha nazhigayet (Khu, salyut)
Proshchay, moy zapakh, kotoryy byl v tvoyey spal’ne (A-a-a)
Salyut, neopravdannyye ozhidaniya, u-u
Ostavat’sya druz’yami ne nuzhno (A-a)
Znayu, chto grubo, no khochu, chtoby iz moyey zhizni ushla
Eto posledniy raz, ya delayu bol’no tvoim usham
Posledniye minuty so slezami obeshchaniy (A-a, u-u-u, a)
Ostavat’sya druz’ya-ya-ya— Ne nuzhno-o-o (A-a)
Znayu, chto grubo, no khochu, chtoby iz moyey zhizni ushla-a-a
Eto posledniy raz, ya delayu bol’no tvoim usham
Posledniye minuty so slеzami obeshchani-i-iy (A-a, u-u-u)
Proshchay (Proshchay, a-a-a)
U, u (Proshchay, a-a-a)
Proshchay (Proshchay, u-u-u)