You Still Got It by Ricochet Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “You Still Got It” by Ricochet from the album Blink Of An Eye (1997)? More than 96 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “You Still Got It”.

You Still Got It en Lyrics [Ricochet]
You Still Got It English Lyrics Album Blink Of An Eye

Quote from the song “You Still Got It” by Ricochet

You still got it and I still want it
I watch every head turn as you sashay by
They're wonderin' where have you been all their lives
You can almost hear 'em thinkin' whatcha doing with a guy like me
You got a wicked body and an angel's face
A heart of gold and a natural grace
You drive me crazy girl when you flaunt it
You still got it and I still want it
You still send a shiver racin' down my spine
You still make my heart beat overtime
It's love we're workin' on let's get to gettin' on it
You still got it and I still want it

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You Still Got It lyrics [Ricochet]

Ricochet: You Still Got It Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “You Still Got It”

  • Produced: Ron Chancey, Ed Seay
  • Written: Larry Boone, Rick Bowles
  • Release Date:

You Still Got It lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: You Still Got It lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “You Still Got It”:

  • Produced: Ron Chancey, Ed Seay
  • rn
  • Written: Larry Boone, Rick Bowles

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “You Still Got It” Released in 1997

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “You Still Got It” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

You still got it and I still want it
I watch every head turn as you sashay by
They're wonderin' where have you been all their lives
You can almost hear 'em thinkin' whatcha doing with a guy like me
You got a wicked body and an angel's face
A heart of gold and a natural grace
You drive me crazy girl when you flaunt it
You still got it and I still want it
You still send a shiver racin' down my spine
You still make my heart beat overtime
It's love we're workin' on let's get to gettin' on it
You still got it and I still want it

[fiddle - guitar]

Every woman here probably hates you
And every man's wishin' he could trade places
Smetimes I feel so lucky I just gotta pinch myself
Remember how I felt the first night we met
Well the new ain't worn off of this feeling yet
Your kiss 'n huggin' can't help but love it
You still got it and I still want it
You still send a shiver...

[fiddle - guitar]

You still send a shiver...
When you do what you do can't help but love it
You still got it I still want it