Closer by Richard Cheese Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Closer” by Richard Cheese from the album Lounge Against the Machine (2000)? More than 91 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Closer”.

Closer en Lyrics [Richard Cheese]
Closer English Lyrics Album Lounge Against the Machine

Quote from the song “Closer” by Richard Cheese

You let me violate you
You let me desecrate you
You let me penetrate you
You let me complicate you

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Closer lyrics [Richard Cheese]

Richard Cheese: Closer Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Closer”

  • Produced: Richard Cheese, Mitchell Sigman
  • Written: Trent Reznor
  • Release Date: October 17, 2000

Closer lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Closer lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Closer”:

  • Closer Is A Cover Of: Closer by Nine Inch Nails

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Closer” Released in 2000

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Closer” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

You let me violate you
You let me desecrate you
You let me penetrate you
You let me complicate you

Help me, I broke apart my insides
Help me, I got no soul to sell
Help me, the only thing that works for me
Help me get away from moi

I want to fuck you like an animal
I want to feel you from the inside
I want to fuck you like an animal
My whole existence is flawed
You get me closer to God

You can have my isolation
You can have the hate that it brings
You can have my absence of faith
You can have my everything

I want to fuck you like an animal
I want to feel you from the inside
I want to fuck you like an animal
You get me closer to God