Legends by Radigost Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Legends” by Radigost from the album A Stellar Kingdom (2008)? More than 181 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Legends”.
Quote from the song “Legends” by Radigost
Where was I when the first man appeared and the first word was said?*
He fear, the thought, the sound...
Something unseen or some kind of flying serpent
A forest beast and a nameless spirit, an uncontrollable energy
I followed man all the path, the long road of history
Transforming, shapechanging shadow. I was many
The hidden, but more evident than a ray of light sometimes
Reflection of great kings, the cradle of myths
Nobody could tell what I was, as well as nobody knows it now
Today I am prayed and worshiped, I am the holy great one
The Almost United One!
But what will I be when the Human will not be?
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Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Legends” Released in 2008
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Legends” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Where was I when the first man appeared and the first word was said?*
He fear, the thought, the sound...
Something unseen or some kind of flying serpent
A forest beast and a nameless spirit, an uncontrollable energy
I followed man all the path, the long road of history
Transforming, shapechanging shadow. I was many
The hidden, but more evident than a ray of light sometimes
Reflection of great kings, the cradle of myths
Nobody could tell what I was, as well as nobody knows it now
Today I am prayed and worshiped, I am the holy great one
The Almost United One!
But what will I be when the Human will not be?