Tirachrach by Profit Za3im Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Tirachrach” by Profit Za3im from the album Taha (2020)? More than 17 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Tirachrach”.

Tirachrach en Lyrics [Profit Za3im]
Tirachrach English Lyrics Album Taha

Quote from the song “Tirachrach” by Profit Za3im

Work 24 3la 24
Ch7al men merra ghan dowwez 48?
Za3im bitch


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Tirachrach lyrics [Profit Za3im]

Profit Za3im: Tirachrach Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Tirachrach”

Profit Za3im - “Tirachrach” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Profit Za3im will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Tirachrach?
  • Where is Tirachrach music video clip?
  • Who was in the Tirachrach official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Tirachrach?
  • What is the meaning of the song Tirachrach?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Tirachrach”

  • Produced: Rimo Beats
  • Written: Profit Za3im
  • Release Date: January 20, 2020

Tirachrach lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Tirachrach lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Tirachrach” Released in 2020

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Tirachrach” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


Work 24 3la 24
Ch7al men merra ghan dowwez 48?
Za3im bitch

[Couplet 1]

Noudi ya bent l9a7ba ma 3endek ta solde
Kilométrage mel gouddam, lfom, w llour
Galt lik 7amla watta nkour
Mc Do' dawliz wla yellow kat ddour
Kat 7ouk kat 7ouk fik jarba
Illuminati ma te3ref mni jatek ddarba
On mommas, on toos
Crip walk while I threw up the Duce
Syouffa, matraque, w malinois
T-Max moraya machi maline lwe9t
Ghat jibha lwe9t netla9aw f terrain
Ba9i mkhabbine f ste7 b7al firan


Ey! Tirachrach ti-tirachrach
F Tanja wagf fog tabla tach
26 9ar3a ma yjikch le3tach
Chna hya 1000 DH bitch ma binatnach
Tirachrach, ti-tirachrach
Tirachrach, ti-tirachrach
Tirachrach, ti-tirachrach
Siri tkemchi raki ma gaddach

[Couplet 2]

I ran fades in the country, and the state yard
I pull a nigga card quick, if he act hard
Bladi ya bladi, ket baghi gha ndawwez
Khorj tbib mcha, l 9ahwa yetfarrej
I used to cook cocaïn, I feel like Cobain
They tried to drive me insane
But lhamdolah I’m the same
Bitch 7achmi 3la 3aradek
3ayti l 3niba Bach te9di gharadek, msawsya
Chargi 10 DH w 3ayti l japonia
Ma khallito ta cabaret, bitch bagha massari
Rekbi dial plastic w nezli 3la nasrani
Testahli gha lgateau
Kay diro lik émirati ya l'planto
Galt lik atseb9i l3ib w sebba9tih
Khona gha yefgashom 7it dit'ha lih
Young fly nigga straight from the west
Off the dome, no text, I am the the best


Ey! Tirachrach ti-tirachrach
F Tanja wagf fog tabla tach
26 9ar3a ma yjikch le3tach
Chna hya 1000 DH bitch ma binatnach
Tirachrach, ti-tirachrach
Tirachrach, ti-tirachrach
Tirachrach, ti-tirachrach
Siri tkemchi raki ma gaddach