Isencane by Platform One Lyrics

Looking for the Zulu lyrics to “Isencane” by Platform One from the album The Golden Hits of Platform One (2005)? More than 105 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Isencane”.

Isencane zu Lyrics [Platform One]
Isencane Zulu Lyrics Album The Golden Hits of Platform One

Quote from the song “Isencane” by Platform One

(ubani obengashad' emncane kangaka)
Isencane lengane
(ubani obengashad' emncane kangaka)
(ubani obengashad' emncane kangaka)
Isencane lengane
(ubani obengashad' emncane kangaka)

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Isencane lyrics [Platform One]

Platform One: Isencane Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Isencane”

  • Produced: Freddie Gwala
  • Written: Platform One
  • Release Date: June 9, 2005

Isencane lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Isencane lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Isencane” Released in 2005

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Isencane” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

(ubani obengashad' emncane kangaka)
Isencane lengane
(ubani obengashad' emncane kangaka)
(ubani obengashad' emncane kangaka)
Isencane lengane
(ubani obengashad' emncane kangaka)

Isencane lengane
(ubani obengashad' emncane kangaka)
Isencane lengane
(ubani obengashad' emncane kangaka)
Isencane lengane
(ubani obengashad' emncane kangaka)
Isencane lengane
(ubani obengashad' emncane kangaka)

Isencane lengane
Isencane lengane

Isencane lengane
Isencane lengane
Isencane lengane
Isencane lengane


(ubani obengashad' emncane kangaka)
Isencane lengane
(ubani obengashad' emncane kangaka)
(ubani obengashad' emncane kangaka)
Isencane lengane
(ubani obengashad' emncane kangaka)