Kick It to the Ground by PJ Harvey Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Kick It to the Ground” by PJ Harvey from the album B-Sides, Demos & Rarities (2001)? More than 30 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Kick It to the Ground”.

Kick It to the Ground en Lyrics [PJ Harvey]
Kick It to the Ground English Lyrics Album B-Sides, Demos & Rarities

Quote from the song “Kick It to the Ground” by PJ Harvey

Look at what I've found
A flower on his grave
Kick it to the ground
I've got no soul to save

Can you finish lyrics of the song “Kick It to the Ground” based on this quote?

If you can't then the lyrics will be below ...

Kick It to the Ground lyrics [PJ Harvey]

PJ Harvey: Kick It to the Ground Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Kick It to the Ground”

PJ Harvey - “Kick It to the Ground” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of PJ Harvey will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Kick It to the Ground?
  • Where is Kick It to the Ground music video clip?
  • Who was in the Kick It to the Ground official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Kick It to the Ground?
  • What is the meaning of the song Kick It to the Ground?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Kick It to the Ground”

  • Produced: PJ Harvey, Mick Harvey, Rob Ellis
  • Written: PJ Harvey
  • Release Date: February 26, 2001

Kick It to the Ground lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Kick It to the Ground lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Kick It to the Ground” Released in 2001

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Kick It to the Ground” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Verse 1]

Look at what I've found
A flower on his grave
Kick it to the ground
I've got no soul to save

Nature dealt me raw
Planted me with hate
Took my only love
To an early grave

[Verse 2]

See these eyes of envy
Bitterness, it's true
I'm looking through your ashes
Looking right at you

Ten thousand years of loving
Could never set me free
From this web of hate I've woven
From this chosen misery


Kick it to the ground
Kick it to the ground
Kick it to the ground

[Verse 3]

I carry scars of sorrow
But I have no regrets
And I will return tomorrow
I'm not finished hating yet
Look at what I've found
A flower on his grave


Kick it to the ground
Kick it to the ground
Kick it to the ground