Slightly Out of Tune by Perry Como Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Slightly Out of Tune” by Perry Como from the album The Songs I Love (1963)? More than 82 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Slightly Out of Tune”.

Slightly Out of Tune en Lyrics [Perry Como]
Slightly Out of Tune English Lyrics Album The Songs I Love

Quote from the song “Slightly Out of Tune” by Perry Como

Love is like a never ending melody
Poets have compared it to a symphony
A symphony conducted by the lighting of the moon
But our song of love is slightly out of tune

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Slightly Out of Tune lyrics [Perry Como]

Perry Como: Slightly Out of Tune Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Slightly Out of Tune”

  • Produced: Hugo, Luigi, Luigi Creatore, Hugo Peretti
  • Written: Antônio Carlos Jobim
  • Release Date: 1963

Slightly Out of Tune lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Slightly Out of Tune lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Slightly Out of Tune”:

  • Slightly Out of Tune (Desafinado) Is A Cover Of: Desafinado by João Gilberto

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Slightly Out of Tune” Released in 1963

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Slightly Out of Tune” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Love is like a never ending melody
Poets have compared it to a symphony
A symphony conducted by the lighting of the moon
But our song of love is slightly out of tune

Once your kisses raised me to a fever pitch
Now the orchestration doesn't seem so rich
Seems to me you've changed the tune we used to sing
Like the bossa nova love should swing

We used to harmonize two souls in perfect time
Now the song is different and the words don't even rhyme
‘Cause you forgot the melody our hearts would always croon
What good's a heart that's slightly out of tune?

Tune your heart with mine the way it used to be
Join with me in harmony and sing a song of love
We're bound to get in tune again before too long
There'll be no Desafinado when your heart belongs to me completely
Then you won't be slightly out of tune, you'll sing along with me!