An Thes, Ela Ki Esy by Peloma Mpokiou Lyrics

Looking for the Greek lyrics to “An Thes, Ela Ki Esy” by Peloma Mpokiou from the album Peloma Mpokiou (1972)? More than 68 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “An Thes, Ela Ki Esy”.

An Thes, Ela Ki Esy el Lyrics [Peloma Mpokiou]
An Thes, Ela Ki Esy Greek Lyrics Album Peloma Mpokiou

Quote from the song “An Thes, Ela Ki Esy” by Peloma Mpokiou

Φεύγω πηγαίνω στα βουνά
Πάω στην ερημιά
Να δω τη φύση τα νερά
Να βρω και τη χαρά

Can you finish lyrics of the song “An Thes, Ela Ki Esy” based on this quote?

If you can't then the lyrics will be below ...

An Thes, Ela Ki Esy lyrics [Peloma Mpokiou]

Peloma Mpokiou: An Thes, Ela Ki Esy Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “An Thes, Ela Ki Esy” Released in 1972

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “An Thes, Ela Ki Esy” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Φεύγω πηγαίνω στα βουνά
Πάω στην ερημιά
Να δω τη φύση τα νερά
Να βρω και τη χαρά

Φεύγω απ'τη πόλη με φτερά
Πηγαίνω πιο ψηλά
Μακριά απ' τα πλήθη τα βουβά
Και τα θολά νερά

Αν θες έλα και εσύ εκεί
Να βρούμε εκεί έξω το μαζί
Αν θες έλα και εσύ εκεί
Για να τη δούμε μοναχοί