Come Winter by Paradigma Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Come Winter” by Paradigma from the album Mare Veris (1995)? More than 160 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Come Winter”.

Come Winter en Lyrics [Paradigma]
Come Winter English Lyrics Album Mare Veris

Quote from the song “Come Winter” by Paradigma

...The soughing of the wind
The thunder of the avalanches
The roar of the waterfalls
The howling of the wolves...

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Come Winter lyrics [Paradigma]

Paradigma: Come Winter Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Come Winter” Released in 1995

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Come Winter” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

...The soughing of the wind
The thunder of the avalanches
The roar of the waterfalls
The howling of the wolves...

Come winter, cold and frosty
Hold me firmly in your vice
With majestic force you hold
This world in your white hand

Come winter, white preserver
Cover my body in white lace

O' Skadi
Silvery queen of winter
Let the summer suffer
Its atonement in white
Your radiant beauty
Envelopes this waste land
Making it shine
In the grace of your veil

Come winter, pure and shining
I plead thee for eternal existence
You have the might to preserve
Life in its slumber
Come winter, white preserver
Please heed this my last wish
On earth

O' Skadi
Silvery queen of winter
Let the summer suffer
Its atonement in white
Your radiant beauty
Envelopes this waste land
Making it shine
In the grace of your veil
O' Skadi
Jotunbride of the gods
Northern huntress
Native of Thrym-heim

White huntress;
Mother of Freya
Enshroud me;
Beautiful daughter of frost
Where are you
- Hidden by years of mist
Please come back
- Forgotten I am dead