Walk on Water by Ozzy Osbourne Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Walk on Water” by Ozzy Osbourne from the album Prince of Darkness (1996)? More than 200 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Walk on Water”.

Walk on Water en Lyrics [Ozzy Osbourne]
Walk on Water English Lyrics Album Prince of Darkness

Quote from the song “Walk on Water” by Ozzy Osbourne

I met a magic man who had a daughter
She learned her lessons well, but still, I taught her
She followed willingly as lambs to slaughter
We shared forbidden fruits and things I brought her


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Walk on Water lyrics [Ozzy Osbourne]

Ozzy Osbourne: Walk on Water Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Walk on Water”

Ozzy Osbourne - “Walk on Water” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Ozzy Osbourne will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Walk on Water?
  • Where is Walk on Water music video clip?
  • Who was in the Walk on Water official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Walk on Water?
  • What is the meaning of the song Walk on Water?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Walk on Water”

  • Produced: Moby
  • Written: Jim Vallance, Ozzy Osbourne
  • Release Date: November 5, 1996

Walk on Water lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Walk on Water lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Walk on Water” Released in 1996

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Walk on Water” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Verse 1]

I met a magic man who had a daughter
She learned her lessons well, but still, I taught her
She followed willingly as lambs to slaughter
We shared forbidden fruits and things I brought her


You may say I'm a miracle mannequin
Here I come with my mystical plan again
Although you think I can, I'm just a man
And I don't walk on water (Oh no), I don't walk on water (Oh no)

[Verse 2]

I followed willingly a sweet temptation
She had me hypnotized, and still, I'm waiting
My dromedary dreams as wet as oceans
With sand dunes bearing seeds, she's set in motion


You may say I'm a cynical charlatan
There I go with my whimsical ways again
Although you think I can, I'm just a man
And I don't walk on water (Oh no), I don't walk on water (Oh no)
I don't walk on water (Oh no), I don't walk on water (Oh no)


Kaleidoscopical eyes
As you look in the mirror (Mirror, mirror)
And the long is getting shorter
As the far is now nearer (Nearer, nearer)


Are you just a mirror standing in front of me?
Am I blind? Can my eyes really see?


You may say I'm a miracle mannequin
Here I come with my mystical plan again
Although you think I can, I'm just a man
And I don't walk on water (Oh no), I don't walk on water (Oh no)
I don't walk on water (Oh no), I don't walk on water (Oh no)


I followed willingly (Oh no) a sweet temptation
She had me hypnotized (Oh no), and still I'm waiting
My dromedary dreams (Oh no) as wet as oceans
With sand dunes bearing seeds (Oh no), she's set in motion
I followed willingly (Oh no) a sweet temptation
She had me hypnotized (Oh no), and still I'm waiting
My dromedary dreams (Oh no) as wet as oceans
With sand dunes bearing seeds (Oh no), she's set in motion