Rock Music News: Norcos Y Horchata - Aloha Motherfuckers (2025)
It's no secret that Norcos Y Horchata is one of my favorite bands. I urge anyone who doesn't already own the band's album Forever Disheveled to acquire it as soon as possible. This is a band that plays gritty Midwestern punk rock and roll with heart, smarts, and a wonderfully unique sense of humor. In just the last couple years, Amado has gone from being one of my favorite guitar players to being one of my favorite present-day songwriters. When Alex Kish and I had the chance to interview Norcos
It's no secret that Norcos Y Horchata is one of my favorite bands. I urge anyone who doesn't already own the band's album Forever Disheveled to acquire it as soon as possible. This is a band that plays gritty Midwestern punk rock and roll with heart, smarts, and a wonderfully unique sense of humor. In just the last couple years, Amado has gone from being one of my favorite guitar players to being one of my favorite present-day songwriters. When Alex Kish and I had the chance to interview Norcos
It's no secret that Norcos Y Horchata is one of my favorite bands. I urge anyone who doesn't already own the band's album Forever Disheveled to acquire it as soon as possible. This is a band that plays gritty Midwestern punk rock and roll with heart, smarts, and a wonderfully unique sense of humor. In just the last couple years, Amado has gone from being one of my favorite guitar players to being one of my favorite present-day songwriters. When Alex Kish and I had the chance to interview Norcos Y Horchata for Born Too Late earlier this year, that was a proud moment for me. During that interview, the band teased an upcoming EP. I am pleased to say that said EP, titled Aloha Motherfuckers, has arrived. And it absolutely smokes! Aloha Motherfuckers kicks off with a title track that is nothing short of an anthem. This rip-roaring love letter to Detroit is perhaps the finest track that NYH has produced to date. "Everyone's An Expert" is the ultimate song for our times and is so dead-on that it hurts. The band's previous track "...Out For Smokes" struck me as the most profound song yet written about what ails the world today. "Everyone's An Expert" could almost be considered a sequel, and it sure hits the nail on the head. Finishing out the EP with a big blast of punk rock fun is "I Gave Up Drinking For Good (Now I'm Drinking for Evil"). It's not easy for a song to live up to a title like that, but this one sure does.
With a big boost from recording engineer Dan Kinnaley and mastering engineer Gabe Usery, Norcos Y Horchata has attained its strongest-ever sound on record. And song-wise, Aloha Motherfuckers is nothing but home runs. In addition to the digital release this past Friday, this EPwill have a vinyl release next month. The 7" will be limited to 300 copies, so you might want to get your pre-orders in now via Bandcamp. Those of you outside the United States should email the band to arrange your purchase. This bad boy is gonna go fast. I pity the fool who isn't hip to Norcos Y Horchata!