Sunnshiney Day by The Funn Kidz by Million Dollar Extreme Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Sunnshiney Day by The Funn Kidz” by Million Dollar Extreme from the album TWAT (2012)? More than 108 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Sunnshiney Day by The Funn Kidz”.

Sunnshiney Day by The Funn Kidz en Lyrics [Million Dollar Extreme]
Sunnshiney Day by The Funn Kidz English Lyrics Album TWAT

Quote from the song “Sunnshiney Day by The Funn Kidz” by Million Dollar Extreme

Sam: Hey Charles, what are you doing after school?

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Sunnshiney Day by The Funn Kidz lyrics [Million Dollar Extreme]

Million Dollar Extreme: Sunnshiney Day by The Funn Kidz Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Sunnshiney Day by The Funn Kidz”

Million Dollar Extreme - “Sunnshiney Day by The Funn Kidz” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Million Dollar Extreme will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Sunnshiney Day by The Funn Kidz?
  • Where is Sunnshiney Day by The Funn Kidz music video clip?
  • Who was in the Sunnshiney Day by The Funn Kidz official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Sunnshiney Day by The Funn Kidz?
  • What is the meaning of the song Sunnshiney Day by The Funn Kidz?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Sunnshiney Day by The Funn Kidz”

  • Produced: Wizz Art Smell
  • Written: Million Dollar Extreme
  • Mastered: James Price
  • Mixing: James Price
  • Arranged: Wizz Art Smell
  • Composed: Wizz Art Smell
  • Release Date: March 27, 2012

Sunnshiney Day by The Funn Kidz lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Sunnshiney Day by The Funn Kidz lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Sunnshiney Day by The Funn Kidz” Released in 2012

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Sunnshiney Day by The Funn Kidz” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Sam: Hey Charles, what are you doing after school?

Charles: Let’s see Sam, I’m probably gonna chillax

Sam: I thought we were gonna go play XBox LIVE at Nick’s house! He’s got all the latest toys

Nick: OK, Let’s GO!

Sam: I go to school work hard so I can play with my friends
So much fun and pleasure, it never ends!
After school havin' fun playing gamez with my boys
We like to play on the big screen and make lotsa noise

Nick: Snacks and cakes and sodas and pies
Mom make some treats, for me and the guys
We're gonna hang , until the sun goes down
Don’t hog the controller, pass it around!

Charles: Jesus H Christ, my days are so fucking cool
Cause I know when I get home I can hop in the pool
So sweet so right Jesus Christ it’s outta sight
Cook an extra cheesy pizza for an after-school delight

Nick: Laser tag, bouncy castle, rollerblades, arcades
Mom let's go to the pizza spot, I can play for days
Snap bracelets, cupcakes, and marvel cards too
But my favorite of all is temporary tattoos!
Sam: At the park playin' catch, after school fun
In the yard ridin' bikes, after school fun
At aeropostale in the mall, buyin' clothes fun
In the food court bathroom gettin' molested, that's cool FUN!

(That feels weird)

Sam: Hey Nick, you talk to that girl you have a big crush on?

Nick: Nah, she walked away as soon as I walked up to her

Sam: I hear Julie has a big-time crush on you!

Nick: My uncle said if any of my friends jerk off in front of him, he'll buy him a bike!

Sam: I need a new bike!

Charles: I need a new bike as well

Nick: It doesn't take a lot of money to get me to do something!

Sam: Finger-fuck me, stranger! I'm so stupid, I probably deserve this

Charles: Motherfucker (Bang bang bang bang)

Sam: My parents sent me to school in a fisherman's coat with shark-tooth buttons
Nick: Fuck me!

Sam: Suck my own dick
I ride my uncle around the living room!

Charles: I will kill you


Nick: I used to pop pills for kicks, but I found something better
Let’s just say, I can never have daughters
My girlfriend knows just how hard i can punch

Sam: Fuck me in the ass raw cus I’m a faggot killer
Dump poz loads in me, get me pozzed up, Dad
Oh, my dad has AIDS but I don't yet, so I'm jealous

Charles: Hey Sam, I fuckin’ hate this planet and all the people on it!

Sam: Don’t Worry Chaz, It’ll all be over soon!

Nick: There’s no way I could remember the first names of half the people I’ve had sex with, but I’m sure I didn’t give them my real name

Charles: You Think we’ll go to prison for making this?

Sam: There isn't a prison that can hold us, Charles!