Try to Save Me by Mike + the Mechanics Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Try to Save Me” by Mike + the Mechanics from the album The Road (2011)? More than 198 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Try to Save Me”.
Quote from the song “Try to Save Me” by Mike + the Mechanics
All my family, all my friends
They won't take me back again
It's not hard to understand
Why they finally washed their hands
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Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Try to Save Me”
- Produced: Christopher Neil, Mike Rutherford
- Written: Andrew Roachford, Christopher Neil, Mike Rutherford
- Release Date: April 1, 2011
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Try to Save Me” Released in 2011
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Try to Save Me” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
All my family, all my friends
They won't take me back again
It's not hard to understand
Why they finally washed their hands
Try to save me
Oh don't betray me
Try to save me
Give back what you gave me
Try to save me
I know I'm crazy but
Try to save me
Like I saved you
When you were scared and full of doubt
I got down and pulled you out
And if in time you feel the same
I'll always hold myself to blame
Try to save me
Please don't betray me
Try to save me
Give back what you gave me
Try to save me
Lord knows I'm crazy but
Try to save me
Like I saved you
It's a lonely weight to carry
I need your help to keep me strong
Try to save me
No don't betray me
Try to save me
Give back what you gave me
Try to save me
Oh Lord I'm crazy but
Try to save me
Like I saved you