Push & Shove by Mario William Vitale Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Push & Shove” by Mario William Vitale (2017)? More than 112 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Push & Shove”.

Push & Shove en Lyrics [Mario William Vitale]
Push & Shove English Lyrics

Quote from the song “Push & Shove” by Mario William Vitale

Why do the good men get the bad luck?


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Push & Shove lyrics [Mario William Vitale]

Mario William Vitale: Push & Shove Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Push & Shove” Released in 2017

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Push & Shove” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Why do the good men get the bad luck?

Not moving cuz they all stuck

Going down stead a up

With not a person to love

Cuz being kind

All the time

Just ain’t good enough

You’ll get thrown out with the other stuff

Blown away by big guys actin’ tough

Shame life is now outta puff

Though you’ve taken the smooth with the rough

Now you guys are like “so what?”

There just isn’t any use in trying
When the bad guys do all the hiring

Those who’re stabbing people’s backs

Getting through to fast track

Right to the top, no looking back

Whilst I’m stuck with the old pack

Whose boss is full of crap

Cuz the good ones who ain’t as bad

Are the needles in the haystack

All I gotta say say is damn

Why am I getting all the setbacks?

It’s unjust

Be bad or bust
What are we hurting each other for

The world is poor

The human race is so sore

No compassion anymore

Why is it all so unjust?

I’m the boy with the crooked smile

Can’t look in the mirror, reflection’s vile

Causing me to spit out bile

Leaving grown men running a mile

Cuz people they just judge on style

So if your face ain’t flash n’ wild

You’re gonna go nowhere

Push & Shove performed by Mario William Vitale alternate

Push & Shove Performed by Mario William Vitale Alternate

FAQ & Knowledge Song “Push & Shove”

  • ℚ. What have the artists said about the song?

    look inside your heart of hearts