Farewell by Manic Bloom Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Farewell” by Manic Bloom from the album I Know What's Next...But You Won't Believe Me (2015)? More than 99 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Farewell”.

Farewell en Lyrics [Manic Bloom]
Farewell English Lyrics Album I Know What\'s Next...But You Won\'t Believe Me

Quote from the song “Farewell” by Manic Bloom

Hear, you who have the ears, who might be listening
Who want to see the world how it was meant to be
Keep your focus
I'm not your source of hope, I am the messenger
I can't untie what's next from what has been before
It starts now


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Farewell lyrics [Manic Bloom]

Manic Bloom: Farewell Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Farewell”

  • Produced: Brad Blackwood, Manic Bloom
  • Written: Manic Bloom
  • Release Date: April 16, 2015

Farewell lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Farewell lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Farewell” Released in 2015

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Farewell” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Verse 1]

Hear, you who have the ears, who might be listening
Who want to see the world how it was meant to be
Keep your focus
I'm not your source of hope, I am the messenger
I can't untie what's next from what has been before
It starts now


I've got, I've got something to say
Listen up, listen up I'm ready to break
I've got, I've got something to say
Listen up, listen up I'm ready to break


This life, this pain, this death
Is only temporary, I know what is next
But you won't believe me, make the pathway straight
From the wilderness, The One who owns the truth is saving you

[Verse 2]

So, say farewell to life the way you know it now
Very different from the garden where it started out
It's all changing
Time is slipping through my hands, but I have no regrets
The platter calls my name and I must answer it
Gather round


I've got, I've got something to say
Listen up, listen up I'm ready to break
I've got, I've got something to say
Listen up, listen up I'm ready to break


This life, this pain, this death
Is only temporary, I know what is next
But you won't believe me, make the pathway straight
From the wilderness, The One who owns the truth is saving you


He's saving you, he's saving you, he's saving you, he's saving you, he's saving you


I've got, I've got something to say
Listen up, listen up I'm ready to break
I've got, I've got something to say
Listen up, listen up


This life, this pain, this death
Is only temporary, I know what is next
But you won't believe me, make the pathway straight
From the wilderness, The One who owns the truth is saving you