Jesus for a Day by Macy Gray Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Jesus for a Day” by Macy Gray from the album The Trouble With Being Myself (2003)? More than 49 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Jesus for a Day”.
Quote from the song “Jesus for a Day” by Macy Gray
Run the creature has come, there's no cover for you no prize
When you've won
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Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Jesus for a Day”
- Produced: Macy Gray, Dallas Austin
- Written: Justin Meldal-Johnsen, Jeremy Ruzumna, Macy Gray, Iz Avila, Bobby Ross Avila
- Vocals: Macy Gray
- Engineer: Dave Way
- Percussion: Scott Breadman
- Mix: Dave Way
- Guitar: Arik Marshall
- Drums: Victor Indrizzo
- Bass: Justin Meldal-Johnsen
- Vocal Producer: Darryl Swann
- Piano: Bobby Ross Avila
- Organ: Zac Rae
- Wurlitzer Organ: Zac Rae
- Clavinet: Zac Rae
- Backing Vocals: Bobby Ross Avila, Traci Nelson
- String Arrangement: David Campbell
- Release Date:
Additional Information About the Sample “Jesus for a Day”:
- Produced: Macy Gray, Dallas Austin rn
- Written: Justin Meldal-Johnsen, Jeremy Ruzumna, Macy Gray, Iz Avila, Bobby Ross Avila rn
- Vocals: Macy Gray rn
- Engineer: Dave Way rn
- Percussion: Scott Breadman rn
- Mix: Dave Way rn
- Guitar: Arik Marshall rn
- Drums: Victor Indrizzo rn
- Bass: Justin Meldal-Johnsen rn
- Vocal Producer: Darryl Swann rn
- Piano: Bobby Ross Avila rn
- Organ: Zac Rae rn
- Wurlitzer Organ: Zac Rae rn
- Clavinet: Zac Rae rn
- Backing Vocals: Bobby Ross Avila, Traci Nelson rn
- String Arrangement: David Campbell
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Jesus for a Day” Released in 2003
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Jesus for a Day” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Run the creature has come, there's no cover for you no prize
When you've won
Be. If I could be jesus for just a day and have it my way, if I
Could be perfect, like the light ' jesus just for a night and have
It my way ' if I could be
Stand the creature has come. We're doing all we can, but our
Angels have given up
Be. If I could be jesus for just a day and have it my way, if I
Could be perfect, like the light ' jesus for a night and have
It my way ' if I could be
Atop my mountain a phenomenon ' when I walk on water I am
Complete, at peace and I'd make it so you'd be just like me
Be. If I could be Jesus for just a day and have it my way, if I
Could be ' do all my life right ' jesus for just a night and have
It my way ' if I could be