Don't Spend Too Much of Today on Yesterday by Lobo Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Don't Spend Too Much of Today on Yesterday” by Lobo from the album Come with Me (1976)? More than 47 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Don't Spend Too Much of Today on Yesterday”.

Don\'t Spend Too Much of Today on Yesterday en Lyrics [Lobo]
Don\'t Spend Too Much of Today on Yesterday English Lyrics Album Come with Me

Quote from the song “Don't Spend Too Much of Today on Yesterday” by Lobo

Too many people spend too much of their day
Looking over their shoulder
At what they did some other day
It may have been good
It may have been bad
Whichever way it's kinda sad
They can’t learn to look some other way

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Don't Spend Too Much of Today on Yesterday lyrics [Lobo]

Lobo: Don't Spend Too Much of Today on Yesterday Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Don't Spend Too Much of Today on Yesterday”

  • Produced: Lobo
  • Written: Lobo
  • Release Date: 1976

Don't Spend Too Much of Today on Yesterday lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Don't Spend Too Much of Today on Yesterday lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Don't Spend Too Much of Today on Yesterday” Released in 1976

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Don't Spend Too Much of Today on Yesterday” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Too many people spend too much of their day
Looking over their shoulder
At what they did some other day
It may have been good
It may have been bad
Whichever way it's kinda sad
They can’t learn to look some other way

Don't spend too much of today on yesterday
'Cause you can’t change the past anyway
Just love to live and live life today
Don't spend too much of today on yesterday

There are so many things to do that haven't been done
There are so many ways to go
That you don't have to run
So try on a few
And see how they fit
I think you'll find that they
Won't hurt a bit
Look at things you can do
Instead of what you have done

If you feel life has done you wrong
Just accept it and move on along
Today is too short it won't last
Live life now don't live in the past