Abide by Liz Vice Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Abide” by Liz Vice from the album There's a Light (2015)? More than 34 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Abide”.

Abide en Lyrics [Liz Vice]
Abide English Lyrics Album There\'s a Light

Quote from the song “Abide” by Liz Vice

Once darkness was our guide
Without hope and only night
We heard the call and turned to You
Now the veil has been removed


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Abide lyrics [Liz Vice]

Liz Vice: Abide Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Abide”

Liz Vice - “Abide” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Liz Vice will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Abide?
  • Where is Abide music video clip?
  • Who was in the Abide official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Abide?
  • What is the meaning of the song Abide?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Abide”

  • Produced: Buddy Ross, Eric Earley
  • Written: Josh White
  • Release Date: September 4, 2015

Abide lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Abide lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Abide” Released in 2015

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Abide” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Verse 1]

Once darkness was our guide
Without hope and only night
We heard the call and turned to You
Now the veil has been removed


Jesus, we will throw away our lives to follow You
Struggling in Your strength, resting in Your truth
Jesus, You're so beautiful, You give vision to the blind
You in us, the hope of glory, in You we will abide

[Verse 2]

Though the body waste away
Inside we're renewed, as You remain
The hope of glory far outweighs
The light affliction of our days


Jesus, we will throw away our lives to follow You
Struggling in Your strength, resting in Your truth
Jesus, You're so beautiful, You give vision to the blind
You in us, the hope of glory, in You we will abide


With hope for tomorrow, we fight through today
With energy, You powerfully work
We lift our hands and say
The mystery is known
Jesus, You're on the throne
Darkness is overthrown
Help us to make You known-ooh
Make You known-ooh
Help us to make You known, yeah-yeah
Make You known-ooh

[Instrumental Outro]