Own Shit by Lil starss Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Own Shit” by Lil starss from the album Reaching Stars (2018)? More than 160 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Own Shit”.

Own Shit en Lyrics [Lil starss]
Own Shit English Lyrics Album Reaching Stars

Quote from the song “Own Shit” by Lil starss

Gotta go up on my shit
Gonna make my own hit
Bitch I´m on to hit the blunt
I´m shyne more than sun
This is how rich fell
No need to climb the hill
Yes sir I´m rich
Gotta talk a lot of bitch
Got a gang full of drug
Just like Skinnyfromthe9
I need to watch the sign
Or I´m gonna fail
And I´m going to jail
Back when I was broke
That shit was real joke
Just need to hit the bars
To go to the stars
Gotta go up Bruno Mars
More money to more cars
Up to my own shit
This one is real hit
I´m go number one
Just up on the sun
And I´ll smoke a little bit
Just to get real lit
Yeah i need to choose it
Gonna live up on music
Gotta go up on my shit
Gonna make my own hit
Ust like Skinnyfromthe9
I need to watch the sign
Or I´m gonna fail
And I´m going to jail
Gotta go up on my shit
Gonna make my own hit
Bitch I´m on to hit the blunt
I´m shyne more than sun
This is how rich fell
No need to climb the hill


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Own Shit lyrics [Lil starss]

Lil starss: Own Shit Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Own Shit”

  • Produced: Lil Foreign
  • Release Date: November 30, 2018

Own Shit lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Own Shit lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Own Shit” Released in 2018

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Own Shit” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Gotta go up on my shit
Gonna make my own hit
Bitch I´m on to hit the blunt
I´m shyne more than sun
This is how rich fell
No need to climb the hill
Yes sir I´m rich
Gotta talk a lot of bitch
Got a gang full of drug
Just like Skinnyfromthe9
I need to watch the sign
Or I´m gonna fail
And I´m going to jail
Back when I was broke
That shit was real joke
Just need to hit the bars
To go to the stars
Gotta go up Bruno Mars
More money to more cars
Up to my own shit
This one is real hit
I´m go number one
Just up on the sun
And I´ll smoke a little bit
Just to get real lit
Yeah i need to choose it
Gonna live up on music
Gotta go up on my shit
Gonna make my own hit
Ust like Skinnyfromthe9
I need to watch the sign
Or I´m gonna fail
And I´m going to jail
Gotta go up on my shit
Gonna make my own hit
Bitch I´m on to hit the blunt
I´m shyne more than sun
This is how rich fell
No need to climb the hill