Looking for the English lyrics to “I RAP ABOUT KILLING PEOPLE” by Lil Shungite from the album USE THIS AGAINST ME IN COURT (2023)? More than 48 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “I RAP ABOUT KILLING PEOPLE”.

I RAP ABOUT KILLING PEOPLE en Lyrics [Lil Shungite]

Quote from the song “I RAP ABOUT KILLING PEOPLE” by Lil Shungite

Hide out in the bushes by your house you can’t see me
Might commit some felonies you’ll see me on tv
I just killed an opp and then his bitch, rinse and repeat
Stood there in your hallway with that stick, now your knees weak
If I had nuclear bombs, I would probably end the world
Imma guarantee your death you feedin’ bread to birds
Fans tell me I been making gas lil bitch I concur
Give an opp his punishment I'll make bitch feel like Murr


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I RAP ABOUT KILLING PEOPLE lyrics [Lil Shungite]


Official Music Video Song “I RAP ABOUT KILLING PEOPLE”

Lil Shungite - “I RAP ABOUT KILLING PEOPLE” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Lil Shungite will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples I RAP ABOUT KILLING PEOPLE?
  • Where is I RAP ABOUT KILLING PEOPLE music video clip?
  • Who was in the I RAP ABOUT KILLING PEOPLE official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song I RAP ABOUT KILLING PEOPLE?
  • What is the meaning of the song I RAP ABOUT KILLING PEOPLE?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “I RAP ABOUT KILLING PEOPLE”

  • Produced: Quare
  • Written: Lil Shungite
  • Release Date: June 16, 2023

I RAP ABOUT KILLING PEOPLE lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: I RAP ABOUT KILLING PEOPLE lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “I RAP ABOUT KILLING PEOPLE” Released in 2023

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “I RAP ABOUT KILLING PEOPLE” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


Hide out in the bushes by your house you can’t see me
Might commit some felonies you’ll see me on tv
I just killed an opp and then his bitch, rinse and repeat
Stood there in your hallway with that stick, now your knees weak
If I had nuclear bombs, I would probably end the world
Imma guarantee your death you feedin’ bread to birds
Fans tell me I been making gas lil bitch I concur
Give an opp his punishment I'll make bitch feel like Murr

[Verse 1]

Bitch I rap about killin’ people I fuckin mean that
Tryna get my hands on some chronic I fuckin’ need that
Make my fans go fuckin’ psychotic yellin’ “release that”
I just made one billion dollars you can’t exceed that
Pull up on you with the muhfuckin’ gun
I might empty out the fuckin clip, lil bitch
Why you been hatin’ when im makin’ money
I'm makin’ the checks and I’m gon’ get rich
Your baby girl been stream my shit
Stare down the barrel lights out thats it
Take all yo money when you buy my shit
When she has my kids
Imma ride for fishgang


Shoutout the Fishgang
I'm boutta go stupid
Ay, ay, ay


Hide out in the bushes by your house you can’t see me
Might commit some felonies you’ll see me on tv
I just killed an opp and then his bitch, rinse and repeat
Stood there in your hallway with that stick, now your knees weak
If I had nuclear bombs, I would probably end the world
Imma guarantee your death you feedin’ bread to birds
Fans tell me I been making gas lil bitch I concur
Give an opp his punishment I'll make bitch feel like Murr

[Verse 2]

Your life been an impractical joke
All my opps is stinky they might need some motherfuckin' soap
I’m back on my music shit now ain’t that motherfuckin’ dope
Your bitch ask to fuck me and I told that ugly ass bitch “nope”
I might eat that pussy with a fork bitch
Your Peter Griffin fat ass need liftin’ from a forklift
Hidin’ in they shells these bitches think that they a tortoise
Tryna get more money you know I'm gonna extort it (bitch)