Bad Decisions by Le'mon Driver Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Bad Decisions” by Le'mon Driver (2020)? More than 116 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Bad Decisions”.

Bad Decisions en Lyrics [Le\'mon Driver]
Bad Decisions English Lyrics

Quote from the song “Bad Decisions” by Le'mon Driver

Dealin' with my problems
Now, i'm drunk as fuck
Makin' bad decisions
Damn, I'm dumb as fuck

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Bad Decisions lyrics [Le'mon Driver]

Le'mon Driver: Bad Decisions Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Bad Decisions”

  • Produced: Kid Ocean
  • Written: Gameyell Driver
  • Release Date:

Bad Decisions lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Bad Decisions lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Bad Decisions”:

  • Produced: Kid Ocean
  • rn
  • Written: Gameyell Driver

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Bad Decisions” Released in 2020

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Bad Decisions” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Dealin' with my problems
Now, i'm drunk as fuck
Makin' bad decisions
Damn, I'm dumb as fuck


Sometimes, i really feel
Like i'm fuckin' nuts

Feel like everything
I do man, i fuck it up
What the fuck is up?

Dealin' with such and such

Always end up
With some bitches
I don't fuckin' trust

Just end up in that pussy
Now i'm in her guts

Thoughts goin' through my mind
I ain't talkin' much
Couple nuts i bust
And then, I'm up

She told me
To shoot my shot
Now i think I'm russ

Now, i beat that
Pussy up like a uppercut

So much talent
With the family
They can't fuck with us

Bad decisions might be made
We ain't lettin' up

Tryna give the family
Somethin' we didn't
Have that much

But don't ever get it
Twisted momma did enough

Every decision that she made
Man, she did for us
Always blessin' us
Always turnin' up

I'm rappin' on my own
But, they support enough

I'm mostly by myself
Like I'm in the cut

Y'all Should really watch
Ya mouth
You should keep it shut

'Cause the tech could hit ya
Neck or ya fuckin' guts

These haters can kiss my ass
Betta pucker up

'Cause i got the skills to rap
Oh, you jealous huh?

Quit Bitchin' bruh
Stop fuckin' up
We comin' bruh