Alone on my birthday by ​kodr Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Alone on my birthday” by ​kodr from the album earth sky and a little more (2022)? More than 174 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Alone on my birthday”.

Alone on my birthday en Lyrics [​kodr]
Alone on my birthday English Lyrics Album earth sky and a little more

Quote from the song “Alone on my birthday” by ​kodr

They told me "its your special day"
You got everything you want
But no ones ever by my side

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Alone on my birthday lyrics [​kodr]

​kodr: Alone on my birthday Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Alone on my birthday”

  • Produced: ​kodr
  • Written: ​kodr
  • Cover art: Dexxo
  • Release Date: August 24, 2022

Alone on my birthday lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Alone on my birthday lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Alone on my birthday” Released in 2022

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Alone on my birthday” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


They told me "its your special day"
You got everything you want
But no ones ever by my side

[Verse 1]

Sometimes i sit and think about
All the friends i coulda had
Then i wonder where all the time coulda went
It all goes by so fast
This my second year alone
All up in this empty home
No one ever hits my phone not a call not a text


Im alone on my birthday
And no ones every trynna come home
And i dont think that i can do this again
Alone on my birthday and no one's ever trynna come home
Lately i just feel so alone

[Verse 2]

Ill come home to an empty house
Cause everyone forgets that im here
They won't try to call my phone
So ill sit here all alone
Its a good thing im used to being


Alone on my birthday
And i feel like its always my fault
Cause no one ever wants to call
Im alone on my birthday and i feel like its always my fualt
Cause no one ever cares at all
Im alone on my birthday
And no ones every trynna come home
And i dont think that i can do this again
Alone on my birthday and no one's ever trynna come home
Lately i just feel so alone


Alone on my bithday o-o-o alone on my birthday


Im alone on my birthday
And no ones every trynna come home
And i dont think that i can do this again
Alone on my birthday and no one's ever trynna come home
Lately i just feel so alone


Theyll tell me its my special day
But they won't care at all
Im alone on my birthday again