Ma lujte by Kida Lyrics
Looking for the Albanian lyrics to “Ma lujte” by Kida from the album Ma Lujate (artist: Kida) (2022)? More than 215 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Ma lujte”.
Quote from the song “Ma lujte” by Kida
Ti ma lujte ma lujte
Ma lujte ma lujte
Ma lujte veq për inat x4
Can you finish lyrics of the song “Ma lujte” based on this quote?
If you can't then the lyrics will be below ...
Official Music Video Song “Ma lujte”
Kida - “Ma lujte” (Official Video Clip)
This video clip of Kida will answer the following questions:
- What song samples Ma lujte?
- Where is Ma lujte music video clip?
- Who was in the Ma lujte official music video?
- Who sang the popular song Ma lujte?
- What is the meaning of the song Ma lujte?
Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Ma lujte”
- Produced: Çelik Lipa
- Written: Kida, Çelik Lipa
- Mastering Engineer: Skrrt Skrrt
- Mixing Engineer: Skrrt Skrrt
- Published: AVD Digital, Kida
- Copyright ©: AVD Digital, Kida, SBS Entertainment
- Makeup: Ermira Nebihu
- Hair: Sellma
- Marketing: One Town Media
- Post Production: Degenerate
- Cinematographer: Petrit Ukehajdaraj
- Directed: Dina Morina
- Release Date: November 3, 2022
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Ma lujte” Released in 2022
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Ma lujte” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Ti ma lujte ma lujte
Ma lujte ma lujte
Ma lujte veq për inat x4
Zemren tem ty nuk ta lo
Asniher mo nuk ta dho
T'onat t'zetat që mi ke bo
I ke bo për inati
Ti dole prej jetës
Tem ti dole
Dole natën kur shkove
Me lot ti mi festove
A u gzoveee
Ty ka met vra dashnia
Që nuk ma ktheve kur
S'di pse hala po ma nin
U bo ni kohë që as
Lot nuk po rrjedhin mo
Edhe pse mki thy
Përmi nimi cop
Për ty jom tu e pi ni got
Se për mu je kon ma i mir
Thuje thuje thuje
Kur e nin
Duje duje duje
Kur e ki
Ruje rujе ruje
Sa e ki
Duje dujе duje
Ti ma lujte ma lujte
Ma lujte ma lujte
Ma lujte veq për inat x2
Zemren tem ty nuk ta lo
Asniher mo nuk ta dho
T'onat t'zetat që mi ke bo
I ke bo për inati
Fajaja mos mle ti fajaja
Mos mle as fajajaj
Mos mle ti fajaja x2
Ai kon be kon be kon
Pe kërkon be
Sun um zavendson
Ti me kërkon
E ti bon be bon be
Veq për mu bon be
Pasha qat dashni
Që ty ta kom dhon
Ti ma lujte ma lujte
Ma lujte ma lujte
Ma lujte veq për inat x4
Zemren tem ty nuk ta lo
Asniher mo nuk ta dho
T'onat t'zetat që mi ke bo
I ke bo për inati...