Bad Laughs by Kevin Hart Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Bad Laughs” by Kevin Hart from the album I'm a Grown Little Man (2009)? More than 98 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Bad Laughs”.
Quote from the song “Bad Laughs” by Kevin Hart
CONAN: So Ice cube, Kevin Hart and I decided to go for a ride around Hollywood and we thought we’d do it using the new ride sharing app, Lyft
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Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Bad Laughs” Released in 2009
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Bad Laughs” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
CONAN: So Ice cube, Kevin Hart and I decided to go for a ride around Hollywood and we thought we’d do it using the new ride sharing app, Lyft
Yeah, how it works and, and we didn't warn anybody. Just got the app, I touched the app, the driver had no idea who he was picking up then once the driver picked us up we quickly put little tiny cameras throughout the car and went on a ride. And here’s what happened :
[Scene, Conan, Cube and Hart standing on a street corner]
CONAN: Alright right, now I’m gonna go on my little Lyft app we’re gonna get us a car and have some fun.
[looking at phone]
Request lift. I see, Look at all those cars right near us
Cube: we need to go to the weed spot, immediately
CONAN: Ha, you have that look, Cube
[signaling to phone]
This guy Anthony, I trust him. Look he’s got host cropped hair
[Calls Anthony]
Hey Anthony, uh do you mind giving us a ride? I’m here with two pals
You think... oh, no time at all, ok, great. We’ll see you in a second Anthony
[a few minutes pass]
CUBE: Damn five minutes, five minutes ago
CONAN: Cube is this you
, you want things to happen right now
CUBE: Like that man
HART: Look I’m not saying that I’m scared, cause I’m not, but this ain’t safe. We been on the corner for some time now and it looks like we’re selling ass
CUBE: I mean you-
HART: That’s the look, that’s the look we’re putting out
CUBE: That ain’t the look I wanna put out to the world
HART: Hey She’s gonna try to buy anyway. We're not selling any ass lady! Don’t come over here and try to buy any ass cause this ain’t where youre gonna find it! Cause We ain’t selling ass over here!
Anthony! Anthony!
CONAN: Yep, there he is
[Shot of car rolling up with a pink mustache on the front.]
CUBE: Hey, what's with the mustache, hommie?
CONAN: Do you mind if we take a ride right now? I’ve got Kenvin Hart, got Ice Cube Conan O'Brien right here. We take a little ride, we put some cameras in the car real fast, can we do that?
ANTHONY: Ok, sure
CONAN: He’s in!
HART: Hey man do you know where the good weed spot is, man?
CUBE: Do you know where that is?
ANTHONY: I, I might have a couple ideas of where to uh...
CUBE: Is this your own personal car?
ANTHONY: Yes, Cube, it is
CUBE: How do you feel about people getting in funky and just funking it up?
HART: You have people start fucking in here?
CONAN: Excuse me, excuse me, having sex?
ANTHONY: No, but they go into great detail about what it is they do sometimes
CONAN: Have you ever had to hose the car down, the interior of the car down afterwards?
ANTHONY: There was one time when one gentleman vomited in the car so I did have to...
CONAN: Who’s sitting in that seat?
ANTHONY: You are, sir
[Cube and Hart laugh]
CONAN: How did you know? How did you guys know?
HART: Hey man, have you ever been paid in sex?