Decadence by Kevin Ayers Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Decadence” by Kevin Ayers from the album Bananamour (1973)? More than 95 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Decadence”.

Decadence en Lyrics [Kevin Ayers]
Decadence English Lyrics Album Bananamour

Quote from the song “Decadence” by Kevin Ayers

Watch her out there on display
Dancing in her sleepy way
While all her visions start to play
On the icicles of our decay

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Decadence lyrics [Kevin Ayers]

Kevin Ayers: Decadence Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Decadence”

  • Produced: Andrew King (Manager), Kevin Ayers
  • Written: Kevin Ayers
  • Release Date: 1973

Decadence lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Decadence lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Decadence”:

  • Decadence Covers: Decadence by The Church

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Decadence” Released in 1973

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Decadence” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Watch her out there on display
Dancing in her sleepy way
While all her visions start to play
On the icicles of our decay

Fading flowers in her hair
She's suffering from wear and tear
She lies in waterfalls of dreams
And never questions what it means

And all along the desert shore
She wanders further evermore
The only thing that's left to tryЎ­
She says to live I have to die

She whispers sadly well I might
And holds herself so very tight
Then jumping from an unknown height
She merges with the liquid night

Lovers wrap her mist in furs
And tell her what she has is hers
But when they take her by the hand
She slips back in the desert sand

But what she leaves is made of glass
And lovers worship as they pass
Each one says - now she is mine
But all drink solitary wine
(drink it to marlene)