Martha & Giles by Keston Cobblers Club Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Martha & Giles” by Keston Cobblers Club from the album Almost Home (2017)? More than 184 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Martha & Giles”.
Quote from the song “Martha & Giles” by Keston Cobblers Club
There will never be a better time
There will never be another day
I will follow you until you say
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Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Martha & Giles” Released in 2017
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Martha & Giles” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
There will never be a better time
There will never be another day
I will follow you until you say
We have reached the end of this thin line
But there’ll be another in our time
More way please I plan to join you
My Martha
Half of me
You will always have this half of me
They may try to take the rest of me
But you will always have this half of me
After all that they have had you say
We will carry on this flight some day
But till then we will just have to wait
Till after
There will never be a perfect time to leave this place
Hang me out waste
Hang me out waste
I was always in two minds if I could see this road
Hold me close
Lets go home